Christian Articles to Encourage and Edify
![Donna Watkins, Author and Writer](
Archived from the free email list A Healing Moment
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A Healing Moment - Command Me! by Donna L. Watkins - The Herbs Place
Command Me!
by Donna L. Watkins
In Isaiah the Lord says, "Concerning the work of My hands command ye Me." (Is. 45:11). There are many times in the Bible that men took Him at His word and commanded Him.
Joshua did during his moment of greatest victory. He lifted up his spear towards the sunset and cried aloud, "O sun, stand still." (Joshua 10:12). Elijah stopped the rain from heaven and started it again after 3-1/2 years. In case you think this is only for men of the Bible, Smith Wigglesworth commanded when he raised people from the dead, and Martin Luther applied it when by his dying colleague, Philipp Melanchthon, he knelt to pray and forbid death to take its victim.
These examples invite us in to a relationship with God that is rarely seen in our world any more. Where is our Faith? If only it were the size of a mustard seed. Seeing in Isaiah that God wants us to command Him to act, we realize that we may not have in our minds the relationship He wants to have with us.
Our prayers offered have so much hesitancy and unbelief. Uncertainty that God really wants to bless us. We have no power behind those prayers and we find no answer to them for the Bible says, "Let him ask in Faith." The constant repetition of prayers that have been voiced for so long causes them to lose their cutting edge. Although our Faith may have grown since we began a specific prayer request, the fact that it has been a request from the days of our lack of faith renders it useless.
Oh! that we could always cry, "Yes, I believe, but help my unbelief!" However, it’s a position that God wants us to move out from. Surely He has answered our prayers at times to show Himself strong, but He wants us to move upward and onward in our Faith so that we can move mountains.
How often did Jesus put people in a position to command Him? In Matthew 20 we read that as Jesus and His disciples were leaving Jericho, He stopped and responded to two blind men who were calling out to Him. "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked. It was like He was saying, "I am yours to command."
Remember the woman from Syrian Phoenicia? (Mark 7:24-30) Jesus gave all His resources to her when He told her to help herself to all that she needed.
We must have the passion and faith of the strength and power of Christ in us to go before our Lord and command Him. Seek His answers for your sickness – seek healing by Faith that will change YOU. The change within you is what brings the healing. We are a new creation. We don’t walk in that statement. We continue to allow the old nature to rule.
Change your mind!
"And I will do whatever ye ask in my name." John 14:13
Command ye Me!