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Depressed Over Your Finances by Greg Moore - The Herbs Place
Depressed Over Your Finances
by Greg Moore
“Prescription drug sales surge for 4th year in a row.”
This headline is based on a study conducted by the National Institute for Health Care Management Research.
And the top selling prescription drug category of 2001…?
Antidepressants! To the tune of $12.5 Billion.
Why so depressed? Living in the richest country in the world, the most free government on the planet, with the mightiest military in this star system…. why the long face?
“Nearly half of the people who have problems with debt are experiencing symptoms of depression…” according to Steve Rhode, president of Myvesta, a financial crisis and treatment center.
So, paying off your debts is not only good for your financial health, but your mental health as well. It’s just one — or maybe a dozen — less things to worry about.
Rhode also found that debt is closely correlated with stress…
“Almost 50 percent of the respondents said debt caused their stress level to be high or very high.” Given this information, can you guess the number 2 selling drug…?
Yep. Anti-ulcer drugs. $10.8 Billion worth.
And just this week, the Consumer Confidence Index fell to its lowest level since 1993:
— Those rating current business conditions as “bad” increased… — Those rating current conditions as “good” decreased… — Consumers reporting jobs are hard to get rose… — Those claiming jobs are plentiful declined… Lots of doom and gloom, but I can’t help but believe that this whole drugs and confidence situation would be much improved if we weren’t quite so terrified of the prospect of losing everything that’s important to us if our income stream was temporarily disrupted.
To your health!
Taken from The Frugal Life News. Subscribe here.