Christian Articles to Encourage and Edify

Donna Watkins, Author and Writer
Archived from the free email list A Healing Moment
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A Healing Moment - Rejection: The Exchange That Cut the Roots! - The Herbs Place

“A wounded spirit who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14)



Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.
— from the hymn “Come Ye Disconsolate”




This article is from a six-part series that ran in our free online publication, A Healing Moment. You might want to begin with the first part of the series.

REJECTION: The Exchange That Cut the Roots!

In the last issue we talked about how Jesus had made an exchange at the cross for sin and sins [trunk and branches]. He also completed the work of our emotional and physical healing. He cuts the roots of rejection on the cross, but just like salvation, we have to make that appropriation by faith to see it in our bodies and mind.

Just as we accepted salvation by faith and now see life differently with a perspective of eternity rather than a finite life, we must apply faith to all the work that Jesus did on the cross.

Jesus took the evil so that we might receive the good! This is simple, but meditate on this and it will open up endless avenues of blessing for your soul. The longer you meditate on this, the more you will see how complete the exchange was. Consider this:

Jesus was punished for our sin that we might be forgiven.
Jesus was wounded for our sicknesses that we might be healed.
Jesus was made sickness itself that we might have health.
Jesus died our death that we might have His life.

Jesus died for our rejection! Isaiah 53:3 says: “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.

For three and a half (3-1/2) years all Jesus did was good! Teaching Truth, forgiving sins, healing sickness and disease, and delivering demon-oppressed people. At the end of that life while hanging on the cross, He was concerned about those who had rejected Him as He prayed for them.

His final agony on the cross was rejection by His Father. “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” There was no answer given. The Father turned away because the Bible says that He “cannot look on iniquity” (Hab. 1:13). Did He die of a broken heart? Not by the rejection of people, but of His Father?

For those suffering from rejection or for those who see the agony of those who do, there is Good News! Jesus experienced the deepest rejection, even of His Father, and He bore it for you that you might be free from it.

These are powerful thoughts and Truth. Spend some time meditating on this. Get alone somewhere and deal with the rejection. Jesus bore the pain for you. It’s not about YOU any more. It’s about His work on the cross. He has bought your freedom.

What’s the opposite of rejection? Acceptance! In the next issue we will address this final topic on this series on rejection.

1. “Rejection to Acceptance” an article published in the September 1977 edition of “New Wine, The International Magazine Dedicated to Christian Growth.” Derek’s book, “God’s Remedy for Rejection” can be purchased at Barnes and Noble.

2. “ A More Excellent Way” by Henry Wright. More information on this book can be found on our website because this book has changed my life tremendously: