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A Healing Moment - The Honey of God’s Word by Donna L. Watkins - The Herbs Place
The Honey of God’s Word
by Donna L. Watkins
As I read my Bible today, I noted again that anxiety is nothing new. David mentioned it in Psalm 139:23-24:
" Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
The first true "in the face" introduction to anxiety being sin was when I purchased a copy of " A More Excellent Way" by Pastor Henry Wright.
Yes, I know the Bible says, "Be anxious for nothing," and that it is a command. I just never looked at it from the angle of it being sin since it seems everybody does it.
But then….everybody doesn’t.
Like me, you surely know some people that look like they must live on a different planet because the worries of life don’t seem to affect their peace and joy. I’ve wondered what genes they have and if they are really human.
David is stating that "anxious thoughts" are "an offensive way" to the Lord and requests to be led a different way. How exciting that David’s words can be power for us even today! We CAN remove anxiety out of our lives and minds. We can choose to ask God to lead us in another way and if we choose to take those initial steps and keep taking them, He can provide peace in the midst of any storm.
His Word is all-powerful, but we have to feed on it and meditate on it all day long as Psalm 1 instructs. If we don’t feed on the Word, we will feed on the enemy’s lies and those thoughts will bring health problems.
My long-time friend, Dianne, recently called and told me she was really focusing on harvests. The beginning of that is a seed and she’d heard that every seed is programmed to burst forth in a specified amount of time. You’ve seen the seed packets telling you how many days till germination when you’ll see those little sprouts peeking out of the dirt.
She mentioned something that I wrote down and have been focusing on myself:
That our words, thoughts, and deeds are all seeds in the Kingdom of God. We plant/sow these seeds and we harvest/reap the results of them. If our thoughts are seeds …. what kind of crop have you been planting?
Ever wonder why it seems that life takes you from one trouble to the next? Maybe it’s because of what we’re planting with our thoughts!
" A More Excellent Way" was written to expose the spiritual roots of disease and to show you the thoughts and beliefs that are underlying various diseases so that we can be free of dis-ease and live life with the ease that God offers in His peace and joy.
Jesus died for this! It is no light matter to God. We are to be anxious for nothing, but by prayer with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God.
Ask today to be led away from anxiety and feed on His Word and chew on it all day long as you would a piece of gum. Remove the bad taste of the devil and put in the honey of God’s Word.