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A Healing Moment - Rejection: Where Does It Come From? - The Herbs Place
“A wounded spirit who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14)
Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.
— from the hymn “Come Ye Disconsolate
This article is from a six-part series that ran in our free online publication, “A Healing Moment.” This is the first part. The links to the rest of the story will be at the bottom of each successive segment.
REJECTION: Where Does It Come From?
Rejection is at the root of many emotional problems and many health issues. When we are rejected by others, we can also reject ourselves. Pastor Henry Wright, author of “ A More Excellent Way,” states that self-rejection and self-hatred are the roots of autoimmune diseases. As we begin to attack ourselves, the body does the same within. Autoimmune disorders are basically the body gone awry by attacking, destroying, and eating us alive in various degenerative and chronic diseases such as allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and many more.
I’m going to be doing a series of articles on rejection based on two resources listed below. I have found in my own life that the way I feel about myself affects the way I feel about others and how well my body performs. My thoughts literally do make a difference in my health, reminding me of the Scripture, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
Sometimes we don’t even know that we are attacking ourselves. We don’t recognize this on a conscious level. There’s an area deep inside of us that our mind doesn’t even know about. Sometimes the mind refuses to face up to some of the events in our childhood, or even in the womb. Psychologists and psychiatrists acknowledge the fact that there have been things in our lives that are so painful that the mind refuses to notice them. The wound is still there, deeper than the mind, deeper than our reasoning, and deeper than our memories….it’s in the spirit. Very often that is where rejection dwells, and sometimes it dwells so deep that people don’t recognize they have a problem with self-rejection.
Rejection may come later in life. Sometimes after we marry. A woman can have a picture in her mind for many years of what marriage is going to be like and how her husband is going to love her, and how she will have children who rise up and call her blessed, but somehow…’s turns out differently. This is taken as rejection. Many men don’t know how to show love to their wives. They marry and realize they now have a lot of responsibility to provide for a family and their focus is earning a living.
Children in this generation have a lot of competition for time with their parents. People live busy lives and busy has become equated to successful. People fill their schedules with things to do whether they are a priority in their lives or not. Children are learning that love is having things because they see parents investing their lives in work and debt to get material possessions. It’s not surprising that many of the ones who are bitter and rebellious are from upper class homes.
Rejection leads to loneliness, misery, self-pity, depression, despair, hopelessness, and then death or suicide. We’ll discuss this further in the next issue.
1. “Rejection to Acceptance” an article published in the September 1977 edition of “New Wine, The International Magazine Dedicated to Christian Growth.” Derek’s book, “God’s Remedy for Rejection” can be purchased at Barnes and Noble.
2. “ A More Excellent Way” by Henry Wright. More information on this book can be found on our website because this book has changed my life tremendously: