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A Healing Moment - Suffering Series: Shout for Joy! - The Herbs Place
Suffering Series: Shout for Joy!
by Donna L. Watkins
This is the last of our series on suffering.
For some healing seems impossible, and sometimes the faith of somebody just doesn’t stretch far enough to find healing. We’ve read a lot about digging into the roots of disease by getting to the bottom of our emotions that are keeping sickness within us. For some, their childhood was so awful that they may never get to the bottom of it. But God still heals and in the midst of the suffering, we have learned from Joni Eareckson Tada, that we still have purpose and that we can still rejoice and that heaven is a Home Sweet Home that we long for.
We are human. We don’t understand all the details of life here on earth. We are not God. We don’t know the whole picture, but we can trust that the Master Creator does and He will keep us if we stay in His hands.
I think this devotion by Anne Buchanan is a good one to read as we “consider it all joy.” The Bible says God inhabits the praises of His people. It’s in praise and rejoicing that healing often comes.
Shout For Joy
From the book, “Healing In His Wings” by Anne Buchanan, Ph.D., M.H.
Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. (Isaiah 49:13 NIV)
Over and over again we are taught the connection between expressions of joy and our healing. Here in Isaiah we have a beautiful poetic verse: “Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.”
How can you put this part of God’s Word into effect in your life? How often have you ever shouted for joy? Think of three things for which you are grateful. Now do something that may feel really silly. Say out loud the first item on your list and then shout, “Yay, God! Thank you!” Then repeat the process for the remaining two items. Do you feel joy bubbling up and maybe a chuckle or two?
Now find some exuberant music filled with praise and worship for the Lord. Sing along with all your heart and your soul. Dance to it if you are able. Let the music fill you, lift you, and energize you. Your blood flows better and your breathing increases. More healing oxygen and nutrients get to your cells.
Now it’s time to make a different selection of music. Find songs that are filled with tranquil worship – songs that tell the story of God’s love and compassion, of His strength and His power, of His amazing grace. Let the music and the words cradle your soul and heal your body.
As you listen, see yourself as a little child, hurt and afraid, climbing up into the lap of your heavenly Father. See yourself being enfolded in the arms of God. Feel the enormous compassion and love that flows from Him into you. Feel how soothing and gentle His touch is. Allow His comforting presence to abide with you.
O merciful Lord, joyful, joyful, I do adore thee. I join with the heavens and shout for joy. I join with the earth and rejoice in Your great goodness. I burst into song with the mountains. You shower on me so many blessings, Lord. Too often I forget that when I focus on my ailments. You are filled with compassion for my afflictions and You have sent the Comforter to be with me always. You sent Your precious Son Jesus Christ to carry my sins and my infirmities to the Cross. Thank You, gracious Father. Thank You. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.
This article is part of a series that begins here.