Christian Articles to Encourage and Edify

Donna Watkins, Author and Writer
Archived from the free email list A Healing Moment
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Who He Is - by Donna L. Watkins - The Herbs Place

Who He Is

by Donna L. Watkins
Some seasons of life seem to be particularly long and when we experience a Winter in our lives, we long for the life and color of Spring to return us to happiness.  (Happiness is based on happenings, unlike joy which is always available to us.)

Looking back on my life, I find that I could complain about any season I was in for one reason or another ….. but the winters of our lives do seem to be the most difficult because they look so barren.  People become more isolated because they’re not out and about seeing neighbors on the street or at outdoor community events.

At times like that in our spiritual lives/seasons, we are tempted to doubt that God is there with us, and we question if He is for us at all.  We feel so isolated and barren.  As the rest of the world continues around us, we want to scream, "STOP!  Somebody take this pain away!"

Isaiah 45:3 says, "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

A.W. Tozer says, "It is as if God were saying, ‘What I am is all that need matter to you, for there lie your hope and your peace.  I will do what I will do, and it will all come to light at last, but how I do it is my secret.  Trust me, and be not afraid.’ "

We have to know who He is.  We can’t base His character on what we saw as a Father here on earth.  Our image of God is greatly established by how our parents portrayed parental love.  Like it or not, that leaves us generally with much lacking in knowing who God truly is.  I believe that’s also the basis for why we pour ourselves into trying to control our circumstances.  Why we do not trust the One who has promised to take care of us.  Our earthly parents were incapable of doing a perfect job, but that’s why being a Child of God is so awesome!

The many names for God in Scripture give revelation of His character, His works, and His relationship to us based on His character and works. The names which God chose for Himself in the Word are there so we may know and relate to God the way He wants us to.

We must be diligent to renew our minds with who He is and to know Him.  Not with a head knowledge based on the turbulence of childhood, but with a heart knowledge.

Until we absorb who He really is, we will always be wanting something else.  We will never be satisfied with life unless we have his peace and joy, and the only way to those gifts is to find the Giver to receive them.  

I’ve gone through the names of God many times in the past, but a few months ago I realized I never viewed them with a focus on His character as my Father.  Many people even struggle with thinking of God the Father … the cross-over to their earthly childhood is too painful to associate the same name.

Jesus said in John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God…."

I spent many years speaking what the Bible said about God, but what I literally believed in my mind was shaped by childhood experiences.  It’s been a great and wonderful renewal process … reminds me of Springtime when everything looks so fresh and green after a long dreary Winter.

When you read and experience in your heart who God really is as our Papa, there is great peace and joy in each day and circumstance of life.  We can let go of all the useless control we think we have, and trust Him to be a good Papa, an all-knowing and loving Papa who is actively at work making our lives what they should be.  He created us.  He knows us intimately and cannot do anything but good for us.  

We believe the lies of the devil if we think life is bleak and hopeless.  We can have eternal Springtime in our minds and hearts with the eternal renewal He offers us.