Bandit’s Natural Heartworm Program Really Works
Bandit’s Introduction

Introduction by Bandit
Hi! I’m Bandit! This is my heartworm story and that’s why people call it “Bandit’s Heartworm Program.”
Because I was so old and tested so severe in heartworms, my vet didn’t expect me to live through the drug program. I’m so glad my mommy chose herbs. l feel like a puppy again. She had seen Nature’s Sunshine herbs work effectively for many things with the people and pet members of the household, so she was comfortable with the natural route. My mommy kept all the paperwork so she could have my success story to share with friends and now thousands of people on the internet. I became free of heartworms in early 2001. I was checked every year and remained clear with the Natural Heartworm Prevention Program.
My mommy, Robin, was interviewed for an article in Whole Dog Journal-August 2002. My mommy makes me the hero, but she’s the real hero since she has helped so many other pets. Enjoy all the stories from some of the pets who we helped. They always made my mommy cry for joy.
Robin Has Retired
For those people who know and love Robin for saving your dogs, we’d like to tell you that Robin is now surrounded by dogs and a cat in her home. She volunteers as a foster pet mom, provides training classes for puppies and dogs, is on the board of a local animal welfare organization, and is always going above and beyond when it comes to making the lives of dogs longer and happier. She also provides generously for the birds and wildlife around her home. In her recoup time, she recharges by Terapia Pond in her backyard.
We have been blessed to have somebody so knowledgeable about this subject working with us for many years. She has generously shared some of her success stories people have contributed over the years as she worked with thousands of dogs with Bandit’s Heartworm Program.
She began that journey with Bandit who was diagnosed with severe heartworm and her veterinarian did not think the dog could survive the treatment. Hopefully you have already searched online for information about the drugs that are being used for heartworm treatment. If not, be sure to do so. It will give you moral support for an herbal approach if you’ve not experienced any success stories of your own using natural alternatives yourself.
Our Orders & Customer Service Department staff is not able to answer individual questions, but you will definitely find enough information generously provided by Robin to make your heartworm decision. We,, cannot prescribe or diagnose for you or your pet. We can only share information. We’ve been in business since 1982 and are sincerely interested in providing honorable information to our customers.
Heartbroken Diagnosis
Many pet owners have been heartbroken when told their pet has heartworms since the chemical treatment is so toxic there is no guarantee that the dog will survive it and the cost is most often beyond the financial capabilities of some pet owners. The nice thing about herbal program and prevention is that the herbs build health and in the process eliminate other kinds of parasites that may create other health problems and certainly challenge the immune system.
Nature’s Sunshine
Not all herbs are created equal when you purchase them. The purity and potency depends on the time of harvest and also what part of the plant is used. Labels can be deceiving. Robin used Nature’s Sunshine Products and could only recommend that brand because she’d seen it working. Nature’s Sunshine guarantees the quality, purity and potency which are all required for success. She worked with thousands of pet owners since 2001 and has heard too many sad stories of other brands not working. Watch this 3-minute video to understand a little more about potency.
Alert! Warning!
This natural program worked for Bandit. There is a reason for each product used. Bandit’s “mommy” has informed us she gets emails from people who are taking pieces of the program and trying to get the same results — or are using products that do not have the same potency and purity and they’re not getting results.
If you want a program that works, it’s best to follow the program that worked.
Here’s The Program – Be Sure to Read the FAQs Also
The program consists of anti-parasitic herbs and support for the heart, lungs and circulatory system while the parasites are being killed. An optional product is included in case your pet has a lot of coughing.
Artemisia Combination (389mg./capsule)
Artemisia Combination contains two species of artemisia: wormwood and mugwort. These herbs contribute to a friendly environment for intestinal flora. Add to them elecampane root, clove flower buds, garlic bulb root, ginger root, spearmint herb and turmeric root, and you have a more powerful product. Artemisia is used for it’s antiparasitic qualities and supports the body in creating an unfavorable environment for parasites.
Black Walnut (500mg/capsule)
Black Walnut is an astringent. Its rich in tannin and juglone content and is believed to oxygenate the blood and kill parasites. Black walnut’s fame in folk medicine is due to its cleansing properties. As a vermifuge, Black Walnut Hull cleanses the body of many types of parasites. Some of the constituents in Black Walnut include beta-carotene, B-vitamins and vitamin C, fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, linolenic, palmitic), calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, lysine, protein, limonene, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, quercetin, potassium, selenium, silicon, and zinc.
CoQ10 is known to regulate the use of oxygen in the body. Numerous studies suggest that Co-Q10 may be beneficial in supporting the cardiovascular system. Some studies have reported Co-Q10′s ability to support cardiovascular functions. When free radicals are present, CoQ10 destroys them and makes more oxygen available to the system for healing. Co-Q10 works as an antioxidant, protecting lipids and other cell components from oxidation. It is a particularly promising cardioprotective agent. When cells age, mitochondrial Co-Q10 levels decrease. But dietary supplementation has been shown to help maintain energy production and aid in cardiovascular function. Supplementation with this coenzyme has been shown to maintain mitochondrial and cardiac functions , and support recovery after stress and surgery. As an antioxidant, Co-Q10 scavenges free radicals, protects cardiac cells, prevents lipid oxidation and promotes the regeneration of vitamin E, another antioxidant.
HS II (460mg/capsule)
HS II is a combination designed for support to the heart and circulatory system, containing hawthorn berries, capsicum and garlic. Hawthorn berries are said to strengthen and tone the heart, feed the adrenals, cleanse arteries, and has been known to balance blood pressure. Capsicum has long been used as a way to boost circulation and cleanse the body. Recent studies have shown garlic to be of benefit to the digestive, circulatory and immune systems.
Mullein (optional) (290mg/capsule)
Mullein is rich in organic iron, easily assimilated to build healthy red blood, but not stored. It also contains vitamin C, bioflavonoids, B complex, vitamin A, potassium and calcium. It has a high mucilage content and contains mild saponins.
How do I order?
The products can be purchased from this website. Use the links shown for each product you are ordering.
Artemisia Combination (389mg./capsule) (100 capsules)
Black Walnut Capsules (500mg/capsule) (100 capsules)
COQ10-100mg (60 gel caps)
HS II (460mg/capsule) (100 capsules)
Mullein Capsules (290mg/capsule) (100 capsules) Optional: used for the coughing – it’s a natural steroid.
How much of the herbs in Bandit’s Program do I give to my dog who has tested positive with heartworms?
Just like humans, dogs are different depending on age, breed, overall health, severity of infestation and activity level. If you are not sure what is the best recipe for your dog. This site is not meant to diagnose or prescribe. Information provided is a general guideline. For a dog with a mild to moderate case, who is in good health, is not of advanced age and is displaying little or no symptoms, this is what is recommended:
Weight 10-30 lbs
2 Artemisia Combination capsules given at night before bed and upon waking in the morning on an empty stomach
1/4 COQ10-100mg softgel capsule mixed with food at the a.m. meal (it’s easy to pierce the softgel capsule and dispense half the amount)
1-2 HS II capsules mixed with food at a.m. and p.m. meals (adjust accordingly depending on if your dog is at the lower end of the weight scale or higher end)
1/4 capsule Black Walnut mixed with food once per day 5 days per week
Weight 31-75 lbs
3 Artemisia Combination capsules given at night before bed and upon waking in the morning on an empty stomach
1/2 COQ10-100mg softgel capsule mixed with food at the a.m. meal
2 HS II capsules mixed with food at a.m. and p.m. meals
1/2 capsule Black Walnut mixed with food once per day 5 days per week
Weight 75 – 200 lbs
3 Artemisia Combination capsules given at night before bed and upon waking in the morning on an empty stomach
1 COQ10-100mg softgel capsule mixed with food at the a.m. meal
2 HS II capsules mixed with food at a.m. and p.m. meals
1 capsule Black Walnut mixed with food once per day 5 days per week
Mullein – optional
Mullein coats and soothes. It is suggested to give 1 at a time up to 4/day to help during periods of coughing.
Bandit’s Goodbye – May 23, 2007
Bandit said goodbye to this world on that day. He lived 7-1/2 years instead of the 6 months that the vet gave him. The heartworm program not only took care of the heartworms but made him so much healthier and like a puppy again. This dog was a hero in every battle he fought and was the love of Robin’s life.