The Herbs Place - A Natural Solution 4 You Newsletter - 02/03/05

Looking For Mangosteen To Raise Your Energy And Your Immune System Levels?

Thai-Go is it! It far outshines Xango, Mango-Xan and Tahitian Noni! Nature’s Sunshine’s new product is filled with healthful bioflavonoids and powerful antioxidants. Thai-Go has an ORAC value of over 100,000. This assures you the antioxidant amounts are tremendous. See the test results compared to other products and the immuno-stimulatory response here:

A Natural Solution 4 You
February 3, 2005 Edition

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A Note From Randal

Hello Everyone,

We will be away in Dallas, Texas when you receive this email. We will be attending a conference that will be discussing new techniques and products to improve your health. Nature’s Sunshine will be hosting the event and it will be fun to see everyone we have met over the years once again.

Additionally, we will have a chance to see our son as he drives down to join us from Oklahoma City for a few days. We both can’t wait.

Thanks for helping our businesses to grow by spreading the word to your family and friends.

Until next time, be in good health!


Featured Nutritional Product

Para-Cleanse with Paw Paw

Microscopic organisms in the body are more common than you might think. In spite of our efforts and even government regulations, these organisms can take up residence in us and some can affect our ability to thrive.

During certain stages of growth, certain microorganisms react to natural chemicals found in herbs, spices and other nutrients Para-Cleanse supports the efforts of the intestinal system in maintaining a hearty microorganic balance. It combines helpful herbal ingredients in a gentle, effective blend that encourages an environment that is friendly to beneficial organisms. Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP) has added the herb Paw Paw to the formula along with Yeast/Fungal Detox and Artemisia Combination for a powerful cleansing product

Read more and/or purchase here:


Supplements by Health Topic at Our Online Catalog

Find an herbal formula or supplement by health topic on our new online catalog. Over 500 products by Nature’s Sunshine offered at wholesale prices with free shipping. We ship the following day by UPS. We appreciate your
Supplements by Health Topics

Health In The News

Vinegar Helps Diabetics

A few tablespoons of vinegar prior to a meal – such as part of an oil-and-vinegar salad dressing – could benefit people with diabetes or at high risk of developing the disease.

Research by nutritionist Carol S. Johnston of Arizona State University East Mesa suggests that 2 tablespoons of vinegar before a meal will dramatically reduce the spike in blood concentrations of insulin and glucose that come after a meal.

In these tests, vinegar had an effect on volunteers’ blood comparable to what might be expected from antidiabetes drugs, such as metformin, the researchers reported last January in Diabetes Care. A follow-up study has now turned up an added – and totally unexpected – benefit from vinegar: moderate weight loss.

Johnston was looking for possible diet modifications that would make meals less risky for people with diabetes. While reviewing research published earlier by others, she ran across reports from about 2 decades ago that suggesting that vinegar limits glucose and insulin spikes in a person’s blood after a meal.

Read the whole story here:
Family Natural
Health Consultant

Essential Oils For Health

Nature offers essential oils with potent properties that can be used in many ways around the home. For health, bath, beauty, and household cleaning supplies. Here’s our featured recipe for this issue:

Stress Blend

30 drops bergamot
10 drops geranuim
10 drops ylang ylang

Read more about the benefits of these oils, find other recipes, and purchase oils at this site:
Essential Oil
Recipes and Info

Health News For Kids

Pinworms – by

Signs and Symptoms:
Pinworm is an intestinal infection caused by tiny parasitic worms measuring about 1/2 inch in length (about 1 cm). Other names for a pinworm infection are “seatworm infection,” “threadworm infection,” “enterobiasis,” or “oxyuriasis.”

Sometimes these worms can actually be seen in the area around a child’s rectum or in the stool. They may have the appearance of light-colored threads on the move. Often a person can have a pinworm infection without having any symptoms, but when symptoms are present, the most common one is itching around the rectum. This itching is usually worse at night and is caused by worms migrating to the area around the rectum to lay their eggs. When a child scratches the itchy area, eczema or a bacterial infection around the rectum can result. In girls, pinworm infection can spread to the vagina and cause a vaginal discharge.

Pinworm is an intestinal infection by a parasite – a worm called ENTEROBIUS VERMICULARIS. Pinworm infections

For the rest of the article go here:


Featured Topic

What Stools Will Tell

Can you believe that you can tell a lot by looking at your stool. Have you ever heard of the ISWA? International Stool Watchers Association? Well, you won’t find it on the internet. It’s a “secret organization.”

All jesting aside, your stools can give you a lot of information about your health. If you don’t have food before you and you don’t have a weak stomach, here’s a link to more about it:

What Stools Will Tell

Natural Health for Pets

Pet Supplement Catalog by Health Topic
Pet Catalog

Pet Success Stories Using Nature’s Remedies
Pet Health Stories

Free Natural Pet Email Newsletter
Free Pet News

Healthy Pet Corner for Birds, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Rabbits & Reptiles
Healthy Pet Corner

Nutrition Is A Choice

Asian Skillet Noodles with Vegetables
Serves 4

If you can’t find frozen mixed cauliflower, red pepper and pearl onions, substitute any frozen vegetable mixture. Use jarred garlic and ginger to save time.

3/4 lb. fettuccine or spaghetti
1 tsp. canola oil
1/4 cup dry sherry
1 1/2 tsp. jarred or fresh minced garlic
1 cup frozen sliced mixed cauliflower, red pepper and pearl onions
1/2 cup frozen tiny peas
1 Tbs. jarred or fresh grated ginger root
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms (optional)
2 Tbs. mirin
1 tsp. dark sesame oil
2 Tbs. low-sodium soy sauce

Cook pasta in rapidly boiling water, stirring often, until al dente; drain.

While pasta cooks, prepare sauce: Heat oil and sherry in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic, mixed vegetables, peas, ginger and mushrooms if desired. Sauté until vegetables are tender and liquid has reduced, 5 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

Stir in mirin, sesame oil, soy sauce and cooked noodles. Heat through. Serve hot.

Per Serving: 223 cal; 6g prot; 4g fat; 34g carb; 0mg chol; 533 sod; 3g fiber

Source: Vegetarian Times
Skillet Noodles

Laughing Lines
Laughter Is Good Medicine

An 8-year-old girl went to her dad, who was working in the yard. She asked him, “Daddy, what is sex?”

The father was surprised that she would ask such a question, but decided that if she was old enough to ask the question, then she was old enough to get a straight answer. He proceeded to tell her all about the ‘birds and the bees’. When he finished explaining, the little girl was looking at him with her mouth hanging open. The father asked her, “Why did you ask this question?”

The little girl replied, “Mom told me to tell you that dinner would be ready in just a couple of secs.”


Don’t Pay Retail For Quality Supplements
Buy at Member Prices: 35-40% OFF! No Membership Fees!

Nature’s Sunshine allows Members to order direct from their warehouse at 35-40% OFF retail. There is No Sign-Up Fee if you place a $40 or more order. You get free shipping on your first order too. No monthly minimums or automatic shipments. Read more:
Membership Info

Study Natural Health Online – Free!

Learn how the body works. Knowledge is essential in making wise health decisions. Take the entire course or choose a system you want to know more about (i.e. digestive, glandular, intestinal, etc.). Begin here:



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Legal and Copyright Information:
The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories, recipes, information, etc. that are passed along in this newsletter are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication,
including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.