The Herbs Place - A Natural Solution 4 You - 02/23/05 - The Herbs Place

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A Natural Solution 4 You
February 23, 2005 Edition
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A Note From Randal

Hello Everyone,

These days there always seems to be something new coming down the invention trail. This week is no exception, it appears there may be a method that will eliminate the need for dentists to drill out cavities from our teeth. I just wish it had been announced sooner. I go to the dentist tomorrow. 🙂 Take a look in the Health News section. Oh well, maybe next time.

Each time we send out an issue we hope it is a blessing to you. After all, you are a blessing to us as you tell your friends and family about our sites and ezines.

Until next time, be in good health!


Featured Nutritional Product

Olive Leaf

Most people know the benefits of olive oil for circulatory health. But Nature’s Sunshine Olive Leaf Extract alone appears to support several circulatory needs all at once, including blood pressure balance, healthy arteries, normal heart rhythm and free radical protection. Oleuropein, a key constituent, is a prime example. It was found to be one ingredient in a compound produced by the olive tree that makes it particularly robust and resistant against insect and bacterial damage. It is thought to prevent LDL or “bad” cholesterol from oxidation, much like vitamin E, but with even stronger results.

Read more and/or purchase here:
Olive Leaf


Supplements by Health Topic at Our Online Catalog

Find an herbal formula or supplement by health topic on our new online catalog. Over 500 products by Nature’s Sunshine offered at wholesale prices with free shipping. We ship the following day by UPS. We appreciate your business.

Supplements by Health Topics

Health In The News

New Synthetic Paste Repairs Early Tooth Decay

Treating early tooth decay could become easier and less painful thanks to a discovery by Japanese scientists.

Researchers in Japan have developed a new synthetic tooth enamel that can repair early tooth decay without the need for drillings and fillings.

The crystalline white paste can reconstruct enamel without removing the decayed area. It repairs small cavities and helps prevent new ones.

“We have shown that our synthetic material can reconstruct enamel without prior excavation,” Kazue Yamagishi, of the FAP Dental Institute in Tokyo, said in a report in the science journal Nature Wednesday.

Dentists usually treat cavities by removing the decayed area and filling the hole with a resin or metal alloy. But it is not ideal for small cavities because healthy tooth is also removed to make the filling stick. The scientists tested the new paste on early decay in a lower premolar tooth. After examining the tooth with an electron microscope they found the paste integrated with the tooth’s natural enamel.

But the researchers warned the paste should not come into contact with the gums because it could cause inflammation due to its high concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

Information from :

Essential Oils For Health

Nature offers essential oils with potent properties that can be used in many
ways around the home. For health, bath, beauty, and household cleaning
supplies. Here’s our featured recipe for this issue:

Head Relief Blend

25 drops lavender fine
25 drops sweet marjoram
6 drops peppermint

Read more about the benefits of these oils, find other recipes, and purchase
oils at this site: “/essential_oil_recipes_sp_4/”
Essential Oil
Recipes and Info

Health News For Kids

Separation Anxiety in Toddlers –

You’ve always dropped off your 1-year-old child at day care without a problem – until today. She’s anxious and distressed, she’s clinging to you for dear life, and she’s making it clear she doesn’t want you to leave. She resists the teachers’ attempts to calm her and seems to want nothing to do with the other kids. All she wants is you, and she screams and cries every time you try to walk out the door. Finally, you make one last attempt to comfort her and head to the car, feeling guilty, upset, and confused. And the same scenario plays out every day for the entire week.

Sound familiar? If so, then your toddler is experiencing separation anxiety, a normal phase of childhood development. But even though it’s perfectly normal, it can be extremely unsettling for parents. Understanding what your child is going through and having a few coping strategies in mind can go a long way toward helping both of you get through it.

What Is Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety is just one of the many different stages of behavioral growth your child will go through, and it affects most babies and toddlers at some point in their young lives. During this stage, a child does not want to be separated from her parent and she experiences intense distress whenever her mom or dad tries to leave her with someone else.

Separation anxiety usually begins between the ages of 8 months and 1 year and peaks between the ages of 1 and 2. However, the timing can vary widely from child to child. Some children may experience it later, around 3 or 4 years of age. Some may never experience it. And for others, there are certain life stresses that can trigger feelings of separation anxiety: a new child care situation or caregiver, a new sibling, moving to a new place, or tension at home.

How It Develops
When your baby was first born, you likely noticed that she adapted pretty well to other caregivers. This is typical for most infants. You probably felt more separation anxiety than she did when you first left her with a relative, babysitter, or a day care provider! As long as their needs are being met, babies younger than 8 months typically adjust well to other people.

For more of the article go :


Featured Topic

The Urinary System

The basic function of the kidneys is to constantly monitor the blood and
make adjustments to its viscosity (relative thickness], chemistry and pH. If
the kidneys stop working, blood pressure becomes disturbed, ammonia and
other chemical buildups may lead to mental problems, body tissues may swell
(edema), and body functions will slow down. Learn more about your urinary
system and products that will support it.
The Urinary System

Natural Health for Pets

Pet Supplement Catalog by Health Topic
Pet Catalog

Pet Success Stories Using Nature’s Remedies
Pet Health Stories

Free Natural Pet Email Newsletter
Free Pet News

Healthy Pet Corner for Birds, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Rabbits & Reptiles
Healthy Pet Corner

Laughing Lines
Laughter Is Good Medicine

While working in a clothing store, I noticed that people had no shame about returning items that obviously had been worn. One rainy morning I walked in and found a discolored blazer hanging on the rack with other returns.

“People return the most filthy, nasty things,” I commented to my supervisor who was standing nearby.

Eyebrow raised, she said, “That’s my jacket.”

Don’t Pay Retail For Quality Supplements
Buy at Member Prices: 35-40% OFF! No Membership Fees!

Nature’s Sunshine allows Members to order direct from their warehouse at 35-40% OFF retail. There is No Sign-Up Fee if you place a $40 or more order. You get free shipping on your first order too. No monthly minimums or automatic shipments. Read more:
Membership Info

Study Natural Health Online – Free!

Learn how the body works. Knowledge is essential in making wise health decisions. Take the entire course or choose a system you want to know more about (i.e. digestive, glandular, intestinal, etc.). Begin here:


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Legal and Copyright Information:
The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories, recipes, information, etc. that are passed along in this newsletter are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.