A Natural Solution 4 You - 10/04/04 - The Herbs Place
Archived Message of “A Natural Solution 4 You”
Published by The Herbs Place.com
Looking For Mangosteen To Raise Your Energy And Your Immune System Levels?
Thai-Go is it! It far outshines Xango, Mango-Xan and Tahitian Noni!
Nature’s Sunshine’s new product is filled with healthful bioflavonoids and
powerful antioxidants. Thai-Go has an ORAC value of over 100,000. This
assures you the antioxidant amounts are tremendous. See the test results
compared to other products and the immuno-stimulatory response here:
A Natural Solution 4 You
October 3, 2004 Edition
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A Note From Randal
Hi Everyone,
If you haven’t visited our website in a while please stop by. We have posted on our home page the new products from Nature’s Sunshines convention. Also, we have added several additional products to the site and this ezine is now going out without our intervention. We are normally closed on weekends so we now have a feature that permits us to schedule ahead our sending out of our ezines. Isn’t technology wonderful! 🙂
Thanks for all you do in letting others know about us.
Until next time,
Featured Herbal Formula
SUMA Combination
SUMA is a blend of five powerful adaptogenic herbs that bolster the immune system and provide energy and emotional support.
Read more and/or purchase here:
SUMA Combination
Health In The News
One More Reason Not to Drink Coke
Coca-Cola and other large businesses are indirectly benefiting from the use of child labor in sugarcane fields in El Salvador, according to a new report released by Human Rights Watch (HRW) which is calling on the company to take more responsibility to ensure that such abuses are halted.
From 5,000 to 30,000 Salvadoran children, some as young as eight years old, are working in El Salvador’s sugarcane plantations where injuries, particularly severe cuts, are common.
Read the entire story here:
Health News For Kids
Is Junk Food the Next Tobacco?
Originally published in the Oakland Tribune
Lawyers who led the charge against the tobacco industry will soon hold their first Conference on Legal Approaches to the Obesity Epidemic.
With recent reports showing that the medical costs associated with obesity are fast approaching those of tobacco, the media are now paying more attention to an idea they might have laughed at just a few years ago.
The food industry’s greatest vulnerability is how it targets children. Lawsuits certainly attract media attention. The first-ever class-action suit against McDonald’s was filed recently on behalf of children who suffer health problems as a result of eating McDonald’s food.
Advocacy lawyers like to say that if you can’t legislate, litigate. In other words, because government is so beholden to industry that it can’t do a proper job of protecting the public through regulation, we are left with no other recourse but to turn to the courts. But can litigation successes against the tobacco industry be repeated with junk food?
Read the entire story here:
Herbs And Health Information For Children
Visit our children’s area of the site for health info, news, supplements, herbal tips and remedies, and more. Free individual health consultations available with Dianne Frase, our family natural health consultant. Begin here: “/using_natural_remedies_for_children_sp_13/”
Herbs and Health Info
for Children
Featured Product
Nature’s Sunshine Products VitaWave provides 100 percent or more of the Daily Value of 17 important vitamins and minerals.
It is flavored with natural black raspberry, which also offers strong antioxidant protection.
Read more and/or purchase here:
Featured Topic
Using Natural Remedies for Children
Children are by their very nature rambuctious and often throwing caution to
the wind. However, as parents we often have to pick up the pieces after they
have gotten sick, or injured themselves. Choosing to use herbs and
nutritional supplements can often go against everything we have been taught.
Our parents usually teach us to not take responsibility for our health
problems as we are growing up. As we get older, we have our own children and
follow the same pattern of reliance upon the medical profession.
At this point, we can keep this same mindset or we can choose to change
because we know medicine only treats the symptom. We often learn this
because we take our children back for the same problems repeatedly. Many
people are deciding to try a different approach with their children in this
generation of the “discovery” of the effectiveness of herbs and supplements
in health care. “/using_natural_remedies_for_children_sp_13/”
Using Natural Remedies
for Children
Natural Health Pet Information
*Free Natural Pet News* – Twice-Montly Email Newsletter – Current pet news, health tips, behavior issues, good news stories and more. https:///www.healthypetcorner.com/petnews.html
Natural Pet News
Healthy Pet Corner Offers *Pet Links* for Birds, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Rabbits and Reptiles. Send free e-cards and get lots of information for specific pets. https:///www.healthypetcorner.com
Healthy Pet Corner
*Pet Success Stories* Using Natural Remedies – Information on herbal and supplemental products used for many pet health problems. “/success_stories_for_pets_sp_195/”
Pets Using Natural
*Life’s Abundance* Natural Pet Supplements, Treats, Foods and Non-Toxic Cleaners https:///www.healthypetcorner.com/hpn.html
Life’s Abundance
*Flint River Ranch* Oven-Baked Dog and Cat Foods and Treats
Flint River Ranch Pet
Laughing Lines
Laughter Is Good Medicine
I decided to stop worrying about my teenage son’s driving and take advantage of it.
I got one of those bumper stickers that say, “How’s my driving?” and put a 900 number on it.
At 50 cents a call, I’ve been making $38 a week.
Don’t Pay Retail For Quality Supplements
Buy at Member Prices: 35-40% OFF! No Membership Fees!
Nature’s Sunshine allows Members to order direct from their warehouse at 35-40% OFF retail. There is No Sign-Up Fee if you place a $40 or more order. You get free shipping on your first order too. No monthly minimums or automatic shipments. Read more: “/membership_details_sp_60/”
Membership Info
Study Natural Health Online – Free!
Learn how the body works. Knowledge is essential in making wise health decisions. Take the entire course or choose a system you want to know more about (i.e. digestive, glandular, intestinal, etc.). Begin here: “/free_online_classes_sp_30/”
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The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories, recipes, information, etc. that is passed along in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.