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Answer to Prayer - The Herbs Place
Answered Prayer
by Randal J. Watkins
Since the first of the year, I had been wanting to be hired back into the computer technology market. I sent out over a hundred resumes to recruiters and companies alike. I had one good lead but at the last minute after two managers agreed to hire me a third manager rejected me without ever meeting me. His reasoning was that I had been out of the computer industry too long. However, I had convinced the other two managers that I used technology in my business on a daily basis and I had kept up with the other changes through trade magazines and other related journals. Needless to say, I was heart broken and wondered what was I to do?
I remembered my Pastor at the time preached on Hannah and how God wouldn’t answer her prayer until she changed it. She was praying for a man child because she was the laughing stock because she couldn’t give her husband a man child. She thought that had to be the answer and if only God would grant her prayer request she would be happy. God knew that wasn’t the best answer for her long term. She came back the next year to the temple and prayed she would give her first man child to the Lord’s service when he reached the appropriate age. This is a wonderful story of how Samuel came to be in God’s service. He was known as one of the greatest prophets that ever led Israel.
I believe the Bible Principle is if God doesn’t answer our prayers then we need to change them to what He knows is best for us. I had been praying to get a job in technology and He wouldn’t answer my prayer. I realized that I was doing the same thing as Hannah. I begin to change my prayer that I could find a business to buy. Same thing happened, that prayer was never answered and I kept running into dead ends.
I was really confused by now and didn’t know what God was up to at this time. I went to a Christian conference and through some teachings I began to see I wasn’t content. I knew Paul admonishes us all to be content in whatever state we are in. I repented and lay my desires on the altar and said openly, "God you know my needs, I trust you to supply them as you see fit."
It was about 3-4 months later that Sarah offered us The Frugal Life website. You see God answered my prayer and it didn’t cost me anything but surrender to His will. I had completely forgot about having another business but God wanted us to have an additional website for income possibilities after all.
I asked Sarah how she decided to offer us the website. She said she had been praying about what to do with it and the Lord put Donna and my name in her heart. Isn’t that just like a good "Papa" to offer us something better than we could have imagined.
The Story of Hannah begins in I Samuel.
Paul’s Admonishment to be content is found in Philippians 4:11-12