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A Healing Moment - Medicine’s History by Donna L. Watkins - The Herbs Place
Medicine’s History
by Donna L. Watkins
Medicine has a long history of ignoring the Word of God. Countless theories and practices have been proposed and implemented that are contrary to Biblical teaching or principles. Medicine stubbornly clings to these until overwhelming evidence forces it to change.
The "best" medicine of just 150-200 years ago would be considered nothing less than barbaric today. Broussais (1771-1838) assumed that most diseases were due to engorgement and inflammation of the digestive tract. That assumption led him to vigorously advocate the use of leeches and draining the patient’s blood. Hoffman used emetics (to induce vomiting) and purgatives (to induce diarrhea) during this same time period. Beck recommended calomel, a toxic mercury compound, "in as large doses as the system can bear." The net results of such massive amounts of drugs were salivation, loosening of the teeth, falling out of the hair, and other symptoms of acute mercury poisoning.
Even dedicated Christian physicians such as Benjamin Rush (signer of the Declaration of Independence) was a strong proponent of these harsh treatments. Sadly, America’s beloved first president, George Washington, fell victim to the hands of these physicians. On December 14, 1799, he had a severe sore throat. By late afternoon they had removed two quarts of blood and by 11 that night, the president was dead.
If only Rush and others would have heeded the Word that says, "the life is in the blood," the lives of Washington and many other may not have been cut short. Modern medicine now rejects these methods, knowing that even modest blood losses can be devastating to any one, particularly somebody ill.
Many believe that science has now advanced to such a level that it is not to be questioned. This is the most unfortunate mistake made by each generation in the past.
On the first day of medical school for Dr. Jacobson, the dean introduced their educational experience with these words: "In the next 4 years, 50% of what you are about to learn will be incorrect! However, we do not yet know where the inaccuracies are, so you are going to need to learn it all, and master it, then continue to study after you leave here so that, as new discoveries are made, that which is no longer relevant will be discarded."
That should challenge us to learn more about our bodies (anatomy) and about what the Bible has to say of health and healing. If you’d like to learn more about how your body operates, we offer a free online class on the website.
Source: "The Word on Health" by Dr. Michael D. Jacobson