Christian Articles to Encourage and Edify

Donna Watkins, Author and Writer
Archived from the free email list A Healing Moment
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A Healing Moment - Never Be Afraid by Donna L. Watkins - The Herbs Place

Never Be Afraid
by Donna L. Watkins

There are two opposing forces in this world:  one is fear and the other one faith.

If you truly and deeply believe in God, there is no fear.  Fear always brings bondage and it’s so easy to slip over that line because human nature tends to rely on what is seen.  Even our thoughts guide us into one or the other realm.

A noise in the night can instantly let loose an army of possibilities for that noise.  Our human reaction is to fear the unknown, but we Christians are not of this world.  We belong to the Kingdom of Christ and His power and life in us allows us to choose faith instead of fear.

Faith that God is for us and not against us so no matter what the noise, if we believe we are under God’s protection, we are safe.  Our reaction to things sometimes dictate the circumstances and if we stand in faith, we are more than conquerers.

Smith Wigglesworth says, “There is a place of perfect love for Christ in which you are always casting out all fear and you are living in the place of freedom (See I John 4:18).  Be sure you never allow anything to make you afraid.  God is for you, who can be against you (Romans 8:31)?”

Many battles are lost because of feelings.  We cannot operate in life based on feelings.  We must walk through life on the solid path of God’s principles.  It seems with all the books and devotions, such as this email, people no longer find time to read the Word of God.  They are too busy reading what others say about the Bible to let the Holy Spirit make it come alive for them.

Our age of technology is not always a good thing.  It can lure us away from time in the Word and time with our Father.  We are sons and daughters of God and should desire to do things that please our Father.  Psalm 112 says, “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in His commands.”

“Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4  Are you delighting in Him?

Sometimes we try to make it too hard and we get nowhere with our efforts.  Take one short Scripture, memorize it, place it in your mind and heart and when a situation arises use it as a sword in battle.  Instead of letting your mind run wild with fear and uncontrolled thoughts, reign it in by repeating the Word in your heart.  “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.”  Psalm 56:3

How many times in Psalms did David begin with anguish and fear of his enemies only to finish up with faith and trust in God.  Human nature to divine nature exemplified.  The opposite of that is the story of Israel’s journey in the wilderness to the land of Canaan.  Twelve spies were sent out and only two returned with the faith that they could take the giants and the land.  The others returned in fear.  Either one is contagious, but with 10 to 2, they lost the promise to enter in, as fear spread throughout the camp.  It took 40 years for that fear to die off, so that Joshua, one of the two faithful, could lead them into the Promised Land.

Father, you know my frame and my mind flies away with evil if I do not control it with Your Word.  I do not want to stay in the desert any longer. Help me to search the Scriptures for Your words to me that I can place in my heart that I might not sin against Thee by being fearful. You have given me faith sufficient to enter into the promises you have for me.  Your Word says, “Fear Not!” and today I accept that command into my own life and with your power will choose to obey.  You provide a resting place and a haven for me in the storms of life.  When I forget, carry me to that place where I will find your protection from the storms.