MyNSP Site - The Herbs Place

Get a Personal MyNSP Website to Share Sunshine
There’s a Free version and a Pro version. The Free option is intended for new business builders and includes a simple website and access to read and post on the MyNSP Community. All other features and tools mentioned below are disabled, but you have a website for people to sign up and order through.
Advantages of a Website
You can direct your customers to a professionally designed Website. You’ll automatically become the sponsor of those who sign up at your site. Did you know that, on average, members and managers who use the Pro version with MyNSP tools are more successful than managers who don’t use them? Typically this means
• three times as much personal volume
• four times as much group volume and
• five times as many recruits!
Pre-written 1-click emails
Pre-built “one-click” emails and automated email campaigns help your prospects learn about NSP’s product quality and opportunity with very little effort from you!
Email Campaigns
With a few clicks you can send an “email campaign” to your prospect. The “campaign” includes 2 or more already-built emails sent automatically 3 or 4 days apart. Home office will create several campaigns that you can use. You can also create your own series of emails.
Referral Pool
MyNSP Pro subscribers are automatically included in the Referral Pool for accounts who sign up and need a sponsor.
MyNSP Community Forum
Communicate with other MyNSP subscribers. Glean ideas and share yours.
Your Member Group Reports
MyNSP’s Reports quickly show you which of your member accounts will expire soon, which haven’t ordered recently, who is close to earning a rebate check, and more! Quickly follow up with your members with single-recipient emails, bulk emails or pre-designed and written e-cards.
Time and Business Management Tools
• Calendar for tracking appointments and sharing events with others
• Task List to help you follow up and be more efficient with your time
• Contact List to store your customer and client information
• Your own email address and Inbox
• Blog to stay in touch with your entire group with less time invested