The Herbs Place - A Natural Solution 4 You - 02/14/05 - The Herbs Place
Archived Message of “A Natural Solution 4 You”
Published by The Herbs
A Natural Solution 4 You
February 14, 2005 Edition
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A Note From Randal
Happy Valentines Everyone,
Hope all Is well with you. Last week we attended a conference in Dallas. Our featured nutritional product was announced at the conference. This looks to be a good product to aid in that ever present pursuit of weight loss.
We are so grateful for all you do to spread the word about our sites and ezines.
Until next time, be in good health!
Featured Nutritional Product
Dieter’s Cleanse
Proper cleansing of the digestive tract allows for better elimination of waste and improved absorption of nutrients from the food you eat. Dieter’s Cleanse is a safe, simple, convenient cleansing program. Product elements provide dietary fiber, support the production of digestive enzymes and bile, nourish the liver and glandular system, promote detoxification and support the body’s weight-management mechanisms.
Read more and/or purchase here:
Dieter’s Cleanse
Supplements by Health Topic at Our Online Catalog
Find an herbal formula or supplement by health topic on our new online catalog. Over 500 products by Nature’s Sunshine offered at wholesale prices with free shipping. We ship the following day by UPS. We appreciate your business.
Health In The News
Information on Chemicals in Household Cleaners
Don’t you wonder if chemical cleaners are really as bad as they say? Who are “they” anyway? Here’s a few links to sites that will give you plenty of information on this topic.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Pages of slightly denser information summarizes the threat of toxic chemicals and introduces people to the concepts of hormone-disrupting chemicals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
Natural Resources Defense Council
A similar effort can be found as WWF above divided into sections concerning children’s health, health effects, pesticides, and organic farming. This site lets guests choose their own level of desired detail by giving them the option of accessing either “in-brief” or “in-depth” pages on the subjects in question.
Natural Resources Defense
Children’s Health and Environmental Coalition (CHEC)
Excellent introductory resource for those with children. The home page offers a trip to the HealtheHouse, a nicely interactive virtual tour of a typical house that highlights common trouble spots. HealtheHouse pages include a simple quiz to identify possible actions one needs to take in their own home; an extensive resource section that lets users pick the level of information that best suits their needs and interest; and a section of brief animations that outline six very basic rules for healthier living.
Children’s Health and Environmental
Friends of the Earth in the U.K.
Although this is for the UK, this site provides some general safety tips when it comes to cleaners and other toxic products.
Here’s A Few Options of Natural Choices for Household Cleaning
Sunshine Multi-Purpose Concentrate
One Product Cleaning Solution from Nature’s Sunshine. Highly concentrated, this cleaner is good for just about every cleaning need imaginable.
Sunshine Concentrate
Pet Force For Household Stains and Odors
This superior concentrated natural bacterial-enzyme cleaning product has a fresh lemon scent and will remove nasty odors and stains, such as urine, vomit, feces, food, grease, blood, grass, coffee, diapers, kennels, stalls and animal trailers. Works on Skunk Odors!
Nature’s Fresh
This widely tested deodorizer utilizes a special formulation of enzymes gleaned from plant sources. These enzymes work as deodorizers and break downthe molecular structure of stains without harming fabric. Nature’s Fresh ishypoallergenic, unscented, non-irritating and environmentally safe.
Nature’s Fresh
Essential Oils For Health
Nature offers essential oils with potent properties that can be used in many ways around the home. For health, bath, beauty, and household cleaning supplies. Here’s our featured recipe for this issue:
Relaxing Blend
50 drops mandarin
25 drops lavender
12 drops marjoram
5 drops sandalwood
Read more about the benefits of these oils, find other recipes, and purchase oils at this site:
Essential Oil
Recipes and Info
Health News For Everyone
Cellular Phones Wreak Cellular Havoc
A recent four-year European Union-funded study conducted by 12 research groups in seven European countries has found that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones is capable of damaging human and animal cells. Scientists exposed test cells to the kinds of electromagnetic fields typically generated by today’s cell phones and found that there was an appreciable increase in breaks in both single and double DNA strands.
DNA, of course, is the chemical code used by the body to store both its genetic information and its “operations manuals” for each different type of cell. When breaks in its strands occur, this crucial information can be damaged or lost. The result can be mutated cells, a precursor of cancer.
More details:
Featured Topic
The Structural System
Like a building, the human body relies on its internal structural system for strength. Bones, muscles and connective tissues give our bodies form and mobility. They make it possible for us to know the job of hard work well done and the excitement of childlike play. Learn more about your structural system and products that will support it.
The Structural
Natural Health for Pets
Pet Supplement Catalog by Health Topic
Pet Catalog
Pet Success Stories Using Nature’s Remedies
Pet Health Stories
Free Natural Pet Email Newsletter
Free Pet News
Healthy Pet Corner for Birds, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Rabbits & Reptiles
Healthy Pet Corner
Laughing Lines
Laughter Is Good Medicine
A couple of opposing candidates for county office happened to be sitting next to each other in the local diner…
One turned to the other and said, “You know why I’m going to win this election? Because of my ‘personal touch.’ For example, I always tip waitresses really well and then ask them to vote for me.”
“Oh, is that so?” replied the other. “I always tip them a nickel and ask them to vote for you.”
Don’t Pay Retail For Quality Supplements
Buy at Member Prices: 35-40% OFF! No Membership Fees!
Nature’s Sunshine allows Members to order direct from their warehouse at 35-40% OFF retail. There is No Sign-Up Fee if you place a $40 or more order. You get free shipping on your first order too. No monthly minimums or automatic shipments. Read more:
Membership Info
Study Natural Health Online – Free!
Learn how the body works. Knowledge is essential in making wise health decisions. Take the entire course or choose a system you want to know more about (i.e. digestive, glandular, intestinal, etc.). Begin here:
If you enjoyed what you read today, please forward this ezine to your friends!
Legal and Copyright Information:
The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories, recipes, information, etc. that are passed along in this newsletter are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.