A Natural Solution 4 You - 02/23/03 - The Herbs Place
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February 23, 2003 Edition
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Hi Everyone,
We have been slowed down on our house building, due to the snow and rain we
have been experiencing. We hope to start framing on Tuesday and soon enough
get the roof on so the house will be less exposed to inclement weather.
I have included a recipe on Tofu Bars that I hope to try soon. If any of
you have tried it let me know. I am always looking for ways to get more non
animal protein into my diet.
Make sure you keep your immune systems strong during this strange winter
time. As always, thanks for your readership!
Stay or Get Healthy!
Until next time,
Defense Maintenance is Nature’s Sunshine’s key formula for nourishing the
immune system. The formula is a powerhouse of antioxidants, cruciferous
vegetable powders, and extra vitamins and minerals that support immune
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pollution, and other things harmful to people in modern societies.
Read more information and/or purchase here: https://theherbsplace.comDefense_Maintenance_p_489.html
Defense Maintenance
(Reuters Health) – Women who add extra vitamin C to their diet during
pregnancy may lower their risk of premature delivery, a team of Mexican
researchers reports.
In Mexico, premature rupture of the membrane surrounding the fetus has
become relatively common among pregnant women, lead researcher Veronica
Gutierrez at the National Institute of Perinatology in Mexico City told
Reuters Health. This rupture can increase a woman’s risk of premature
Vitamin C is known to play an important role in the structure of the
collagen-composed membrane. In fact, women who don’t get enough vitamin C
both before and during pregnancy may be more susceptible to premature
membrane rupture, according to previous research.
Yet, the water-soluble vitamin does not last long in the body; whatever is
not used is excreted on a daily basis. And, during pregnancy, levels of
vitamin C and everything else that circulates in blood plasma drop due to
the various processes required to ensure proper fetal development.
Gutierrez and her colleagues speculated that supplementing pregnant women’s
diets with vitamin C would prevent levels from the nutrient in white blood
cells, where it is stored, from dropping.
Their findings were presented during the American Society for Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition’s recent annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
For the study, 52 women in their fifth month of pregnancy were given either
an inactive "placebo" treatment or 100 milligrams of vitamin C each day for
three months.
As is typical during normal pregnancy, vitamin C levels in blood plasma
decreased for all the women, study findings indicate. Yet the white blood
cell concentration of the vitamin decreased only among women given placebo.
In fact, women who took vitamin C supplements experienced an increase in
their white blood cell concentration of the vitamin, Gutierrez and her
colleagues note.
Further, at delivery, less than 5% of the women who received vitamin C
supplements experienced premature membrane rupture, in comparison to nearly
25% of women taking placebo, study findings indicate.
The researchers conclude that vitamin C supplementation maintains stores of
the nutrient in white blood cells and "may have value in preventing
(premature rupture>)."
Commenting on the study, Dr. Anna Siega-Riz of the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill said it "contributes another piece of evidence that
vitamin C is important in the events that lead to premature rupture of the
membranes." Siega-Riz was not involved in the current study but she has
performed research linking vitamin C deficiency with premature rupture.
The difference in membrane rupture rates between the two study groups
"suggests that more studies with ample power to detect a difference are
needed to confirm the role of vitamin C in preventing (premature rupture),"
Siega-Riz told Reuters Health.
Still, in light of Gutierrez’s findings, and her own research, Siega-Riz
said, "it is only prudent to develop vitamin C recommendations for pregnant
Gutierrez noted that the extra vitamin C should not just come in the form of
pills. Pregnant women should also be sure to eat lots of vitamin
C-containing fruits and vegetables, she said, such as citrus fruits and
The US Institute of Medicine (news – web sites) currently recommends that
all women consume 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day. A single eight-ounce
serving of orange juice from frozen concentrate contains 100 milligrams of
the vitamin.
Check out our sources of Vitamin C at
“/research_topics_for_children_sp_16/9” Vitamin C Source
If your child is ever ill or injured and requires emergency care, doctors,
nurses, and paramedics will have many questions about his medical history..
And even if you know all the answers in a calm moment, the most organized
parent might not be able to remember a child’s health history in a stressful
That’s why it is important to keep a comprehensive record of your child’s
health information nearby. In many cases, this information can help a
medical professional make quicker diagnoses and decisions during an
emergency, when each second counts.
Read the categories below to learn more, and create a complete health record
for your child. Keep one copy of the record at home, one in each car, and
one in your bag or wallet. You should also supply your child’s day care
center and babysitters with this list, along with the name and number of
your child’s doctor.
Record on your list any known allergies your child has to
medications, both prescription and nonprescription. Allergic reactions to
insect stings and bites should be listed. Food allergies are also important.
In many cases, this information helps medical personnel discover a cause for
problems like seizures or difficulty breathing.
Certain medications cannot be taken together, so paramedics need
to know all medications (prescription and nonprescription) your child
currently takes before they can administer any drug. In addition, you need
to know the doses, the dosing schedules, and when the medications were taken
Pre-existing Illnesses or Conditions
Pre-existing illnesses or conditions
can have a great impact on the kinds of tests or treatment administered
during an emergency. If your child has any health problem – from diabetes to
epilepsy to asthma – emergency medical personnel must know. For additional
protection, children with chronic conditions should wear an identifying tag
on a necklace or bracelet. This kind of immediate notification can help
doctors save your child’s life.
Hospitalizations and Operations
List the dates your child has been
hospitalized and the types of operations he has undergone. This information
may help during the course of treatment following an emergency situation.
Keeping an updated record of all your child’s immunizations is
important. If you need help remembering or compiling all the information,
the staff at your child’s doctor’s office can assist you. Be sure to include
information about any reactions your child may have had following an
immunization, such as seizures, high fever, or severe discomfort.
This article is from Yahoo News
Irritable Bowel Fiber Blend was formulated to provide essential nutritional
support to the bowel. Years of continued dietary abuse along with other
contributing factors such as stress, fatigue and lack of exercise may result
in colon malfunction, constipation, diarrhea, spasms and other related
discomfort. Irritable Bowel Fiber Blend contains soluble, viscous,
fermentable fiber and insoluble, non-viscous, slowly fermentable fiber.
Read more and/or purchase here: https://theherbsplace.comEverybody_s_Fiber_p_66.html
Irritable Bowel Fiber
The world is definitely a most unfriendly place – at least if you look at
things from your immune system’s point of view.
Every day your body is under siege, attempting to repel a continuous assault
by disease and virulent organisms. This is the real invasion of the body
snatchers-microbes that, if unchecked, would rob you of your health, and
eventually your life.
Most germs are repelled by the skin, rebuffed by the natural pesticides of
sweat, saliva and tears, dissolved in the stomach or trapped by mucus of the
nose or mouth and later expelled via a cough or sneeze. Unfortunately, these
uninvited organisms are persistent and not easily discouraged. Some will
breach the body’s outer defenses and enter the bloodstream and tissues. Once
inside, they multiply at an alarming rate and start destroying vital body
For More On The Immune System: “/immune_system_sp_253/” Immune System
From U.S. Soyfoods Directory
* 1 pound firm tofu
* 2 tablespoons lower-sodium soy sauce
* 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
* pepper (to taste)
* 1/4 cup tomato paste or leftover spaghetti sauce
* 1/2 cup water
* 1 teaspoon prepared mustard
Preheat the oven to 400° F.
Cut tofu into 12 bars about 1/4" thick, or cut into bite-sized cubes. Place
in shallow baking dish. Mix remaining ingredients together well. Pour over
tofu bars or cubes and coat well.
The rest of the recipe can be found at About.com’s
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The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant
to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may
want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories,
recipes, information, etc. that is passed along in this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is not necessarily endorsed by "The Herbs
Place." This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and
information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone
either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or "The
Herbs Place" be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action
arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication,
including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.