A Natural Soluton 4 You - 03/03/05 - The Herbs Place
Archived Message of “A Natural Solution 4 You”
Published by The Herbs Place.com
A Natural Solution 4 You
March 3, 2005 Edition
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A Note From Randal
Hello Everyone,
Every few years we like to change the look of our site. We have a friend who is an artist and she painted a cute little cottage for us to depict The Herbs “Place.” We wanted to use it as part of our logo and that led to a
new header and new colors for the site.
Everybody has their favorite colors, but my wife chose these not because they were favorites, but because she’s been so ready for Spring and to work in the garden. The comments we’ve had is that it reminds people of Spring,
so I guess it portrayed what was on her mind.
Take a look and let me know what you think!
What About Our New Look?
Thanks for all of your sharing of our sites and ezines. We are grateful!
Until next time, be in good health!
Featured Nutritional Product
Thai-Go contains ingredients rich in bioflavonoids and antioxidants. Bioflavonoids enhance vitamin C absorption and help maintain collagen and capillary walls. They also aid in the bodyís defense system. Antioxidants scavenge damaging free radicals and benefit virtually every organ and body system. Thai-Go delivers a punch of antioxidant protection with a high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value.
Read more and/or purchase here:
Supplements by Health Topic at Our Online Catalog
Find an herbal formula or supplement by health topic on our new online catalog. Over 500 products by Nature’s Sunshine offered at wholesale prices with free shipping. We ship the following day by UPS. We appreciate your business.
Supplements by Health Topics
Health In The News
Prozac Health Papers Indicate Firm Knew Possible Prozac Suicide Risk
An internal document purportedly from Eli Lilly and Co. made public Monday appears to show that the drug maker had data more than 15 years ago showing that patients on its antidepressant Prozac were far more likely to attempt suicide and show hostility than were patients on other antidepressants and that the company attempted to minimize public awareness of the side effects.
Essential Oils For Health
Nature offers essential oils with potent properties that can be used in many ways around the home. For health, bath, beauty, and household cleaning supplies. Here’s our featured recipe for this issue:
Study Aid
5 drops rosemary
1 drop peppermint
Read more about the benefits of these oils, find other recipes, and purchase oils at this site:
Essential Oil
Recipes and Info
Health News For Kids
The dentist’s command to ‘spit’ might soon be part of dental diagnosis: Researchers say they’ve developed a simple saliva-based test that can predict whether children will get cavities, how many cavities they will get and even which teeth are most vulnerable as they age.
“When we apply this to young children, it allows us to predict what might be their future caries history — the number of cavities they’ll get by, say, their late twenties or thirties,” lead researcher and University of Southern California (USC) professor of dentistry Paul Denny said in a prepared statement.
The newly developed Caries Assessment and Risk Evaluation test measures levels of compounds called sugar chains, or oligosaccharides, that are present in saliva.
The same sugar chains are present on tooth surfaces, and have a similar effect to that of “good” and “bad” cholesterol in blood vessels. “Good” sugar chains tend to repel cavity-causing bacteria, while “bad” chains let the bacteria bond to a tooth and start the decay process.
Researchers found the sugar chain makeup in saliva can predict a child’s future cavity history to plus or minus one cavity with greater than 98 percent
More of the story can be found
Featured Topic
Natural Alternatives for Mood Enhancing
There are various reasons for low moods but this will give you some guidance from Dr. Jack Ritchason’s books, “Little Herb Encyclopedia” and the “Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia.”
Mood Enhancing With Prozac Prescription:
• St. John’s Wort
• SAM-e
• Valerian
• Nutri-Calm
These are also of help:
• Mood Elevator (Chinese)
• Passion Flower
• 5-HTP Power
• Peppermint Essential Oil
• Lemon Essential Oil
Low Blood Sugar Can Be The Reason for Depressed Moods:
• Licorice Root
• Sugar Reg
• Chromium GTF
• Potassium
If Depressed Moods Are Related To Thyroid
• Target TS-II
• Thyroid Support
• Thyroid Activator
• Dulse
Find out more about the above products and/or purchase them here:
The Herbs Place
Natural Health for Pets
Pet Supplement Catalog by Health Topic
Pet Catalog
Pet Success Stories Using Nature’s Remedies
Pet Health Stories
Free Natural Pet Email Newsletter
Free Pet News
Healthy Pet Corner for Birds, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Rabbits & Reptiles
Healthy Pet Corner
Nutrition Is A Choice
Pesto Cheese Toasts – From Amy Parker, Your Guide to Vegetarian Cuisine.
These quick toasts make a perfect accompaniment to Italian-inspired dishes. The instructions are so simple I almost hesitate to call this a recipe. I’ve provided approximate measurements. Adapt the amount of pesto and cheese to your tastes.
* 1 garlic clove, cut in half lengthwise
* 1 baguette or loaf French or Italian bread, preferably with a crispy crust
* Prepared pesto sauce
* Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
For the rest of the recipe go
If you enjoyed what you read today, please forward this ezine to your friends!
Legal and Copyright Information:
The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories, recipes, information, etc. that are passed along in this newsletter are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.