A Natural Solution 4 You - 05/03/03 - The Herbs Place
Archived Message of “A Natural Solution 4 You”
Published by The Herbs Place.com
May 3, 2003 Edition
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Hello Everyone,
Donna and I just got back from a 5 day trip in Hawaii. We had won an award
trip through Nature’s Sunshine. There were about 400 of us over there
enjoying the sights and the different foods. It was very relaxing and fun!
Here at home, we have been real thrilled as we are seeing more and more
flowers and bushes beginning to bloom. Over in Hawaii there were lots of
interesting colors of flowers and plants. We were given a lei when we
arrived and at at the hotel they had a class on lei making. I went to the
class and made a lei for Donna. It was quite amazing how simple it was to
Hope you enjoy this issues funny. I laughed really hard when I read it.
Also, if any of you make the recipe let me know how it turns out. Mexican
food is my favorite kind of food.
Well I hope you are having a wonderful week. Please remember to forward
this ezine to family and friends. After all, it’s how we grow!
Thanks for your readership!
Until next time,
This combination has been used in folk medicine for controlling excessive
mucus, and in preventing-as well as clearing-head congestion. This is
typical for herbal supplements; many benefits are derived at the same time.
This is because they contain several compounds that relate to each other
synergistically so as to amplify their beneficial effects on the whole body.
To read more and/or purchase: https://theherbsplace.comFenugreek_Thyme_p_193.html
Fenugreek & Thyme
(HealthScoutNews) — There’s a new Web site for older adults to access
health and medical research information of interest to them.
The Web site, called Health Compass, is being launched this week at the
Bridging the Workforce Gap for our Aging Society conference. It’s designed
as an interactive, self-study program meant to assist older adults and their
caregivers in becoming better informed participants and decision makers in
their health care.
The site aims to improve older adults’ ability to access, evaluate and act
on health and research information about aging. The site provides
suggestions on where to find high quality health information on the Internet
and in other media sources.
It also provides older adults with tools that help them critically evaluate
and interpret health information. That includes definitions of research
terms and the different kinds of medical research studies.
Health Compass is a partnership between the American Federation for Aging
Research (AFAR) and the Merck Institute of Aging and Health.
For More information
“She’s not really good at soccer and she doesn’t really like it, but all her
friends are doing it,” reports the mother of a 9-year-old.
“If I miss a practice, even for a doctor’s appointment, I get benched,” a
13- year-old says.
“If my son didn’t have an after-school activity every day of the week, he’d
sit around eating junk and playing video games,” worries the father of a 10-
“I don’t really like lacrosse, but I have to do it because it’ll look good
on my college transcript,” a 16-year-old explains.
“It’s not coming from me. I’m not pushing her. She wants to do soccer, art,
dance, and cooking, and she goes to afternoon religious school twice a week.
She has to eliminate something!” exclaims the mother of a 7-year-old.
“I don’t have anything scheduled on Sunday afternoons. That’s when I have my
life,” a 14-year-old reasons.
These days, it’s hard to tell if it’s the parents pushing or the kids trying
to keep up. Clearly, some kids have too much to do and not enough time to do
it. Whatever the culprit, one thing’s for sure – something’s gotta give. Is
your child too busy?
For the rest of the article go :
Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables has been associated with a
reduced risk of many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, eye and skin
conditions, joint problems as well as some degenerative diseases. The
pigments responsible for the coloration of these fruits and vegetables
appear to offer a host of protective benefits to the body.
WEIGHT LOSS (Updated and Current)
It’s that time of year again! Visit our weight loss section to get a very
balanced and sensible approach to weight loss and maintaining your weight
We have weight loss aids, appetite suppressants, fat burners, carbo grabbers
and fat grabbers. As well as, a very tasty and satisfying meal replacement
Weight Loss
From Vegetarian Times Vegetarian Entertaining
* 2 medium tomatoes, diced
* 2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted, and diced
* 2 large scallions (green and white parts), chopped
* 1 jalepeno pepper, seeded and minced (optional)
* Juice of 1lime
* 2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* Four 9-inch flour tortillas
* 4 ounces shredded smoky Gouda or provolone cheeese
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the tomatoes, avocados, scallions, jalepeno
if desired, lime juice, cilantro, cumin, and salt.
Arrange 2 of the tortillas on a large baking pan. Spread an equal amount of
the tomato-avocado mixture over the top of each tortilla. Sprinkle the
cheese evenly over the top. Cover each tortilla with the remaining 2
Place the pan in the oven and bake until the tortillas are lightly browned
and the cheese has melted, aut 7 to 9 minutes. Remove from the oven. Using a
wide spatula, transfer the quesadillas to warm serving plates. Cut each
quesadilla into 6 wedges and serve hot.
Makes 12 wedges or 6 servings.
Per serving: 65 Calories; 2g Protein; 4g Fat; 4g Carbohydrates; 6mg
Cholesterol; 117mg Sodium; 0.8g Fiber.
If you enjoyed what you read today,
please forward this ezine to your friends!
The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant
to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may
want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories,
recipes, information, etc. that is passed along in this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs
Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and
information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone
either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The
Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action
arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication,
including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.