A Natural Solution 4 You - 06/13/03 - The Herbs Place
Archived Message of “A Natural Solution 4 You”
Published by The Herbs Place.com
June 13, 2003 Edition
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Hello Everyone,
Hope you enjoy this issue, I put a recipe for scones in this time. If any
of you make it please let me know how it turns out. We appreciate how you
have shared our ezine with your family and friends. After all it’s how we
Stay or Get Healthy!
Until next time,
Elderberry Defense contains nutrients that work together in order to promote
well-being during seasonal changes. Both the immune and respiratory systems
serve important functions in promoting overall health, and both often come
under attack as the seasons begin to change. Elderberry Defense is created
specifically to support these systems and prevent diseases such as colds and
flu. The combination consists of elder berry extract, echinacea purpurea
root and royal jelly. These herbs are known to support and enhance immune
and respiratory system functioning.
Read more and/or purchase here: https://theherbsplace.comElderberry_Defense_formerly_Elderberry_Combo_p_184.html
Elderberry Defense
(HealthDayNews) — How much you weigh and whether you exercise could
influence more than just your jean size.
It might also have a powerful impact on the progression of age-related
macular degeneration, a disease affecting some 1.7 million Americans and a
major cause of blindness among seniors, reports a study in the June issue of
the Archives of Ophthalmology.
“What makes this research unique is that it involved evaluation of the
progression of this disease, and a documentation that certain factors —
most notably body mass index and exercise — can play a role in how quickly
that progression occurs,” says study author Dr. Johanna M. Seddon, of the
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
The idea that these factors could be modified and controlled makes the
finding that much more meaningful and important to patients, Seddon adds.
For the rest of the story go :
Learning to handle behavioral outbursts and temper tantrums is as much of a
part of parenting as feeding your infant or helping your child learn to ride
a two-wheeler. Bouts of fussiness and behavior problems can happen anywhere
from the grocery store to Thanksgiving at Grandma’s house and they can be
handled more easily if your child learns some early lessons about
What Is Self-Control? Self-control is the ability to make choices about how
one behaves and acts rather than relying on impulses. Instead of acting on
instinct or immediate impulse, children – and parents – with self-control
pause and evaluate a situation and the consequences that may result from
their behavior.
For example, if you tell your child that she may not have ice cream until
the afternoon, her first reaction might be to cry, plead, or even throw a
temper tantrum in the hopes that you will give in to her request. In
contrast, a child who has a better sense of self-control might be more
likely to understand the consequences of such a tantrum – perhaps not
getting any ice cream – and therefore wait until the afternoon.
For more information go :
In today’s high-tech, high-stress world, it is only reasonable to feel a
real concern about cardiovascular health. Scientists are quick to point out
that laying the blame on one factor alone may not provide the answer for
lowering the risk of circulatory problems.
Formulated to promote strong, healthy circulation through clean circulatory
passageways, Mega-Chel is rich in a remarkably large array of nutrients.
That’s why the daily program requires twelve tablets to get those arteries
cleaned out and provide many other health benefits.
Read more and/or purchase here: https://theherbsplace.comMega_Chel_180_tablets_p_512.html
Mega Chel
By Charnicia E. Huggins
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Marital discord can cause emotional pain to both
partners, but a new report suggests that women’s cardiovascular health may
be especially vulnerable to anger stemming from a troubled marriage.
In light of the findings, “for married couples, it is important to notice
when arguments are beginning to get heated and find a way to ‘cool’ the
tension and conflict,” Dr. Sybil Carrère of the University of Washington in
Seattle told Reuters Health.
She presented the findings at the recent annual meeting of the Society for
Psychophysiological Research in Washington, DC.
In the study, Carrère and her colleagues investigated anger management
during conflict in 54 couples. The couples first participated in a 15-minute
discussion about a highly sensitive topic–such as in-laws or money–and
were later interviewed about how well they were able to deal with their
Those who admitted an inability to regulate their anger–who said it was
more intense and frequent than they would like and that it interfered with
their work and family–had more displays of anger during the discussions,
study findings indicate. These husbands and wives also said that they were
less satisfied with their marriage, and that they were overwhelmed by their
spouse’s negative emotions.
For wives who expressed difficulty in anger regulation, however, the
evidence was seen not only behaviorally but also physiologically. They were
less able to “apply the physiological brake” pedal–the parasympathetic
nervous system–to slow their heart beat and make it less strong, thereby
calming themselves, Carrère said.
“All they have is a gas pedal,” she said, referring to the sympathetic
nervous system, “not a brake pedal.” Previous studies have indicated that
this type of physiologic response may be associated with heart disease and
other health problems.
Still, when the researchers quizzed the study subjects on their overall
level of health, men generally reported poorer health than women. Carrère
speculated that while women are more focused than men on the quality of
their marriage, men’s physiologic stress may be linked to their jobs.
“It may be that anger dysregulation, with all its physiological
implications, is more evident when men are working at competitive, demanding
jobs,” she said. On the other hand, “women are socialized to pay more
attention to the emotional dimensions of relationships,” especially the
marriage bond.
Carrère said couples need to work hard to defuse and dissipate anger within
marriage before it gets out of hand. Successful couples do this by giving
each other the benefit of the doubt, addressing conflicts in ways that do
not demean the other individual, letting their partner know that they do not
intend to hurt his or her feelings and trying not to get defensive, even
when they feel they are being attacked, she said.
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The stories, suggestions, and information in this newsletter are not meant
to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you have a medical problem, you may
want the advice and recommendations of a medical doctor. All stories,
recipes, information, etc. that is passed along in this newsletter is for
informational purposes only and is not necessarily endorsed by “The Herbs
Place.” This is a personal publication by Randal Watkins. The ideas and
information expressed in it have not been approved or authorized by anyone
either explicitly or impliedly. In no event shall Randal Watkins or “The
Herbs Place” be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action
arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication,
including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.