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The Herbs Place



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E-Tea® is an easy-to-use, encapsulated form of traditional Essiac Tea. It supports immunity and helps detoxify and purify the blood.

In 1922, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse consulted an elderly Native American of the Ojibwa Indian tribe of Ontario, Canada, about the nutritional concerns of one of her friends. The Native American recommended an herbal tea recipe that, although simple in substance, was time-consuming and difficult to prepare.

Rene's friend began to use and enjoy the formula, and soon others wanted to try it. Its popularity caught on, and eventually thousands were using it. It became known as Essiac tea, Caisse's name spelled backwards.

Due to the complexity of the preparation process, it would take hours for you to make this tea at home. Thanks to Nature's Sunshine, it is possible to provide the same herbal combination in convenient capsule form.

The Recipe
The recipe of this formula is public domain, anybody can make it and enjoy the benefits. Here's the recipe:

6-1/2 c. of Burdock root, cut

16 oz. Sheep Sorrel herb powder

1 oz. Turkey Rhubarb root powder

4 oz. Slippery Elm bark powder

Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly, then bring two gallons of distilled water to a brisk boil in a stainless steel kettle (needs about 30 minutes with the lid on). Stir in 8 ounces of the formula and boil briskly for 10 minutes. Cool for six hours. Stir thoroughly with a wooden or stainless steel utensil and leave to cool for another six hours. Bring to a boil again, remove from heat, and pour through a stainless steel strainer into a second stainless steel kettle. Clean the first kettle thoroughly and strain contents of the second kettle back into the first.

Then bottle immediately in dark glass bottles and seal while still hot. When cool, store in the refrigerator.

This will last for a few days, when a fresh batch must be made. Unfortunately, Essiac (Rene's last name spelled backwards) Tea made in this way is very prone to mold growth.

To take, shake well before pouring and mix two ounces of Essiac Tea into two ounces (four tablespoons) of distilled water. Drink on an empty stomach at night and two hours before eating.

Too Busy To Make This Tea ?
If you're too busy to follow these instructions, Nature's Sunshine's E-Tea couldn't be more convenient. It has been carefully prepared according to the recipe, and after the final product is finished, the liquid is evaporated in a vacuum. Then it is turned into a nutritive powder that can be either swallowed as a capsule or the capsule emptied into hot water, making an instant tea. Two capsules are equivalent to two ounces of traditionally brewed Essiac Tea.

You don't have to worry about refrigerating the capsules, just protect them from excessive light and heat. Whichever way you decide to take it, six capsules of E-Tea is the recommended daily serving.

Here is a product that saves time, money, and is safe. What a relief to those who have wondered where they could get this remarkable formula.

E-Tea contains burdock root, sheep sorrel herb, slippery elm bark and turkey rhubarb root.

Recommended Use
To drink as a tea, empty the contents of 2 capsules into 4 oz. hot water. Or, take 2 capsules three times daily on an empty stomach. Two capsules of E-Tea are equivalent to 2 oz. traditionally brewed Essiac Tea.

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