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The Herbs Place

Female Comfort

Female Comfort

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In a desperate attempt to solve female reproductive problems, many women take the quickest solution they can find, such as using dangerous drugs that may cause (or amplify) side effects like weight gain, temporary infertility, emotional trauma, and over time, degenerative problems.

Using Mother Nature as a solution to "female complaints" (FC) [formerly known as FC w/ Dong Quai] not only prevents undue health risks but encourages the body's glands to regain their normal strength and balance. Herbal combination Female Comfort provides the necessary balance a woman's body needs to deal effectively with the problems she experiences with her reproductive system, such as normalizing the monthly menstrual cycle.

Combining certain herbs that are well-known as general female tonics and glandulars, Female Comfort feeds the glands, nerves and sensitive tissues that are necessary to repair the female reproductive problems. This herbal combination is used for menstrual cramps, frigidity, sterility, menopause and hot flashes.

Female Comfort is also designed to effectively relieve congestive dysmenhorrhea, or pain, congestion and inflammation in the pelvic area, menstrual irregularity, mood swings, PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) and morning sickness.

No man-made substitute can replace Female Comfort and effectively treat such a wide range of female complaints. To appreciate fully the healing qualities of this popular formulation, note the following about each herb:

Red raspberry leaf helps to stop excessive bleeding inside the body (or outside when applied externally). This herb helps shrink swollen and inflamed tissues. Red raspberry's bitter compounds relieves muscle spasms and works as a good female glandular in general.

Dong quai root contains bitter compounds that help reduce pain and inflammation. This root helps to normalize uterine contractions and is a great source of iron. Besides lowering blood cholesterol, dong quai is a natural sedative and in many cases relieves fatigue, headache and stress.

Ginger root lowers cholesterol, high blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. By improving liver function and digestion, this herb provides an increased feeling of well-being. Ginger root is an easily assimilated source of trace minerals, especially silicon, magnesium and manganese.

Licorice root feeds the adrenal glands to reduce inflammation and increase energy. This root will also increase general mucus production to clear the body of menses and help relieve muscle cramps as well.

Black cohosh root is famous for helping the body maintain a proper estrogen balance, as well as reducing blood pressure and dilating peripheral blood vessels for better circulation. This root's astringent properties shrink inflamed tissue in addition to relieving nervous tension, anxiety and headaches.

Queen of the meadow herb (also known as "gravel root") is a good diuretic and helps prevent kidney stones and bladder/kidney infections. This herb's properties help to reduce swelling while providing a mild tonic/stimulant for the whole body.

Blessed thistle herb increases and thins mucus secretions and also helps shrink inflamed areas while increasing blood circulation to surface tissues. This herb has a wide range of benefits including effectively treating fever, jaundice and allergies. Blessed thistle encourages the secretions of mother's milk, purifies the blood while offering relief from painful menstruation, biliousness, chronic headaches and swelling.

Marshmallow root soothes the whole body and encourages a thinner mucus that's easier to dispel from the body. Marshmallow root heals inflamed tissue and increases the flow of urine, helping to alleviate and prevent bladder inflammation (cystitis).

Such a powerful lineup of herbs provides a useful herbal combination that helps resolve the problems that plague women. By using this effective female corrective, Female Comfort conquers female complaints.


School of Natural Healing by Dr. John R. Christopher, M. H.

Own Your Own Body by Dr. Stan Malstrom, N.D., M.T.

Textbook of Advanced Herbology by Terry Willard, Ph. D.

For Educational Purposes Only

The above information was prepared by Nature's Field, P.O. Box 425, Springville, UT 84663 It may be copied and distributed provided it is not altered in any way.

Ingredients per Capsule

Proprietary blend 400 mg of these herbs:

Red Raspberry Leaves (Rubus idaeus)

Dong Quai Root (Angelica sinensis)

Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)

Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa)

Blessed Thistle Whole Herb (Cnicus benedictus)

Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)

Queen of the Meadow Herb (Eupatorium purpureum)

Other Ingredients: Kosher gelatin and water.

Recommended Use

Take two capsules with a meal three times daily.

Pregnant or lactating women should consult their health care professional prior to taking this supplement.

Customer Comments

Fibroid Tumors

"I had a history of female problems: Questionable pap tests, heavy menstrual flow, uterus lined with fibroid tumors, I'd had numerous D&C's, and I was on progesterone to control the bleeding, but it wasn't doing it. I was bleeding 26 days a month for 6 years. I finally began to hemorrhage so much that my husband took me to the Doctor who said I needed an emergency hysterectomy. Bloodwork showed that my blood count was too low for surgery without transfusions, and after receiving several shots I was told to come back in 3 days for the surgery. We'd heard of herbs and had a friend who used them, so we went to her. I began taking NF-X (NF-X is no longer manufactured, but FEMALE COMFORT is a similar substitute), Red Raspberry, CALCIUM PLUS, and LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL. Within 2 weeks the bleeding had stopped. In two months there were no tumors, the pap test was clear, and that was 11 years ago. I feel better than I ever have in my life and I'm thankful for herbs." D. Scott

Menopause Beginning

"I'm in the beginning stages of menopause and have been taking FEMALE COMFORT, 4 capsules a day and during the rougher times 6 a day. It keeps me on an even keel with a much better frame of mind and has shortened the duration of my cycles. I noticed I haven't had the headaches either. My husband has noticed I'm much calmer on it. I'll be keeping it around for a while I think!!" D.H.


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