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Lavender, Organic - 100% Pure Essential Oil

Lavender, Organic - 100% Pure Essential Oil

Regular price $45.80 USD
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• Is widely used for calm and relaxation
• Promotes sleep when diffused in a room
• Helps moisturize skin
• Certified Organic

How It Works

Restful and Radiant

Regarded for its relaxing and peaceful fragrance, Lavender is well-suited for many everyday applications. Though it has long been valued for its calming properties, don't underestimate the utility of this floral phenomenon.

100% pure organically-grown Lavandula angustifolia flower oil. Certified organic by Ecocert.

Recommended Use
Essential oils may be used aromatically or topically in a variety of ways including diffusers, massage, compresses, baths, scrubs, lotions and sprays. Essential oils should be diluted with Nature's Sunshine Massage Oil or Carrier Oil before applying topically.

Lavender has the power to penetrate the body quickly.  Insist on the best!

Lavender oil has been popular since ancient times. It has a wide variety of uses, and Nature's Sunshine procures the finest oil of the right species to bring you a host of benefits far more pleasing than inferior substitutes commonly sold today. Taking its name from the Latin lavare, meaning "to wash," lavender possesses a clean, pure aroma. And, like an adaptogen, it encourages balance for the entire nervous system.

It has been used for nerves, migraines, headaches, tension, emotional stress, sore muscles or tense muscles. Other uses include benefits for the skin, immune and circulatorysystems.

French psychiatrists, he added, have found that lavender-laden air can reduce agitation among certain psychiatric patients.

Lavender oil has many uses; it is a powerful antiseptic containing more than 200 compounds that are active against fungi, viruses and other microbes. Many of the purported medicinal uses for lavender have, upon modern scientific testing, proven to be legitimate. Lavender oil was used extensively on the battlefield during both World Wars when medical supplies became scarce to prevent infection and as a pain reliever.

Nature's Sunshine offers only the highest-quality lavender. Lavandula angustifolia, also known as Lavender Fine, is high in esters (which provide calming and balance to the nervous system) and contains no camphor smell as does the more common Lavandula officinalis (a clone of L. angustifolia) or the sterile hybrid lavandin. These common, less-expensive lavenders are sold in mass quantities for commercial use.

Nature's Sunshine Lavender Fine comes only from the Haute Province of southern France.

Unlike its common counterparts, Lavender Fine is grown from seed taken from wild plants and cultivated at high altitudes. It has a shorter growing season and a lower essential oil yield, but its quality is worth the effort.

The quality of Lavender Fine is assured by the coveted AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controlee, or "Controlled Designation of Origin") label. Usually reserved for fine wines and specialty foods, AOC certification of Lavender Fine protects customers from imitations and adulteration. Each harvest of our lavender undergoes AOC certification and is inspected and scientifically analyzed by a panel of experts from the French Ministry of Agriculture and the AOC Board. If lavender oil doesn't have the AOC certification on the bottle, it's not genuine Lavandula angustifolia.

Nature's Sunshine vs. Young Living
The GC/MS are widely known as two of the most important tools for identifying and analyzing volatile oils. Recently Nature's Sunshine's Lavender Essential Oil was compared with a popular competitor's lavender oil using all of these methods.

graph of essential oilsThe Nature's Sunshine product outperformed the competitor in every test. Using GC/MS, it was found that Nature's Sunshine's lavender oil contained greater amounts of many key constituents than the Young Living sample.

Young Living's sample indicated the use of two different species of lavender, something you'll never find in Nature's Sunshine's pure lavender oil. Higher peaks on the Nature's Sunshine graph show that our lavender oil is a much more powerful product.

The quality of essential oil products differs greatly. Count on Nature's Sunshine for the premium quality you expect and deserve. You can be sure that Nature's Sunshine Products has analyzed its complete line of essential oil products. Using high-tech Gas Chromatography (GC) and Mass Spectrometer analysis (MS), we test each lot of essential oil to ensure it is 100% pure, free from contaminants and measures up to strict quality standards. Because an oil's aroma is just as important as its chemical fingerprint, all oils also undergo strict olfactory (smell) evaluation.

All of our essential oils are either steam distilled or cold pressed. Read more on Nature's Sunshine's Quality.

Using Lavender
Unlike most essential oils, lavender can be applied undiluted (termed "neat"). It may be used alone or in combination with most other oils. Essential oils are generally applied with a carrier oil to massage into the skin. Add 3-5 drops of oil to bath water for a relaxing bath.

A century ago almost every cologne contained lavender oil. Today it is being rediscovered by a new generation learning to bask in its multiple benefits. With so many uses, Nature's Sunshine Lavender Fine is a must for today's stressful lifestyles.  It benefits so many of the body's systems:

- Stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile, aids digestion, increases intestinal mobility. Used to treat dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, nausea, diarrhea.

- Stimulates the production of urine, restores hormonal balance, reduces cramps. Used to treat infections, leucorrhea and cystitis.

- Lowers blood pressure, used for hypertension

- Reduces muscular tension, relieves pain, used to treat muscular aches, rheumatism, lumbago, sprains.

- Antiseptic, antispasmodic. Used for throat infections, flu, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, sinus congestion, laryngitis, tonsillitis.

- Antiseptic, controls the production of sebum, stimulates circulation in the skin. Assists in the healing of wounds (aids in the formation of scar tissue) and helps to rejuvenate the skin. Used to treat acne, cuts, burns, sunburn, inflammation, psoriasis, wrinkles.

- Calming, refreshing and relaxing, used to treat depression, headache, insomnia, headache, nervous exhaustion, restlessness, moodiness. Clears the head, increases mental alertness.

- Used to treat insect bites and nettle stings. Repels moths.

Customer Comments
Anxiety, Sore Muscles, Insomnia, and Dry Skin
"I wanted to see if LAVENDER OIL
would help me get to sleep and stay asleep. I ordered the Massage Oil because of the excellent oils it contains to use as a carrier base for the Lavender. I mixed 1/4 bottle of Lavender to the bottle of Massage Oil and used it at bedtime. I didn't realize until the end of the next day that besides getting a wonderful night's sleep, my shoulders that normally reach for my ear lobes due to tightness had not bothered me all day, and it was a deadline kind of day at the office. I had sailed through it like it was no big deal. The real interesting thing is that the effects lasted for two days. By the way, I've rubbed it on various areas and am now finding that my dry skin is gone!" Barbara

Headaches - "I used LAVENDER OIL
to take away my chronic muscle pain and headaches. I put it in a carrier base and rubbed it on my forehead, temples, and neck and shoulders. What a quick way to relax." D. Goodman

Q: I need to find an effective mosquito repellent. My daughter is allergic to mosquito bites and we are now being warned of an encephalitis outbreak from mosquitoes in our area. Any help you could send would be a blessing. We live in hot, humid NE Florida.

A: Lavender Oil is a great deterrent for mosquitoes along with other insects. There are several different methods you can use to get keep insects away. For your house or somewhere your staying, you can fill cups with hot water, preferably boiling, and place a couple drops of Lavender Oil in them and place them on windows or other places where mosquitoes might visit. Filling a bath with hot water & putting 6-8 drops of Lavender Oil in it & keeping the door open, so the Essential Oil molecules will drift into the room through the steam.

You can put a couple drops of the oil on the Aromaball diffuser when you're near an electrical outlet. This would be good while your sleeping. I would also make a Lavender Oil Spritzer, just use a 2 oz. spray bottle, fill it with purified or distilled water and add 6 drops of Lavender Oil. Then at night I would spray it about 4 times all over my bed, this also helps me to sleep.

When you're outside, you can put a few drops on ribbon and hang them from trees. Mosquitoes seem to aim at the ankles, so I would wear socks and put 2 drops of the Lavender Oil on the socks. You can also put the drops on the bottom of your trousers. You can hang tissue paper around your balcony when your eating and place a drop of the oil on each on one.

You can use the oil in massage oil and massage it on your body. I would keep a bottle of 2 tablespoons of the massage oil with 30 drops of Lavender Oil. Use this to massage on your skin before going out and before going to bed to protect yourself.

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