The Herbs Place
Black Walnut Extract (2 fl. oz.)
Black Walnut Extract (2 fl. oz.)
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Black Walnut is a rich source of the trace mineral chromium and is also high in iodine. Its inner bark, leaves, fruit and unripe husk are used in herbology. The tree grows widely in the western U.S. and Canada and is native to the hardwood forests of the Central Mississippi Valley and the Appalachian region of North America. It is a large tree and can sometimes reach a height of 100 feet and 4-5 feet in diameter. The earliest known reference to the walnut tells that Alexander the Great introduced it to Greece from the Middle East. In fact, in almost every part of the world, the walnut is part of local herbal nutrition.
Herbalists have traditionally used the husks as a nutritional aid for the intestinal system. It has long been considered one of America's most valuable native cathartics. It is also called an astringent because it is rich in tannin, a toning substance. It's properties also make an excellent vermicide, sudorific, antiseptic, and febrifuge.
There are benefits from the rich supply of organic iodine and tannins which contain antiseptic properties. It also has oxygenating abilities that help to burn up excess toxins and fatty materials. It aids in regulating blood sugar levels, and has been used for herpes, impetigo, athlete's foot, ringworm and counteracts hemorrhoidal bleeding in the colon.
It's excellent properties enable Black Walnut's to aid many body systems , such as:
Weakened Immune System Weakened Skin System Weakened Intestinal System Weakened Glandular System
It has neither a strong taste or odor and is considered a mild enough herb to try for many disorders by those who are afraid of stronger herbs. For this reason it is very well tolerated by children.
Pet owners love to use Black Walnut as a natural worming option and it is also used in heartworm programs for a safer approach to killing them than the drugs.
Black Walnut is available in capsules with each capsule containing 500 mg Black Walnut Hulls (Green Hulls) (Juglans nigra). It's also available as a natural and pure extract of the finest Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra) in a water and alcohol base.
Health Handbook by Louise Tenney
Today's Herbs, 2/82, p.1
Nature's Sunshine Herbal Calendar
Recommended Use
Take two capsules with a meal twice daily.
Customer Comments
Warts on Fingers and Hands
" My 12-year-old son, Henry, had warts on his fingers and hand. The dermatologist's painful liquid nitrogen and salicylic acid treatments were ineffective, and my son begged me to let him stop the treatments. My wife's cousin sells Nature's Sunshine products. She recommended BLACK WALNUT capsules and the topical liquid. I thought it was 'snake oil.' Within three weeks his warts were gone. Thanks for a great product. It has given my son a painless and complete cure for his warts." J.M., Louisiana
Dentist's Approval
"Yesterday I spent 1-1/2 hours in my dentist's chair in order to have temporary crown work done. Because of prayer and your wonderful herbs, I came through the ordeal in a calm way. I didn't have as much pain either. This is what I am taking: OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT, BLACK WALNUT, COENZYME Q10, ANTIOXIDANTS, BEE POLLEN, FLAX SEED, LIQUID CALCIUM, SPIRULINA and LIQUID MINERALS. My dentist is an alternative dentist. He was very pleased with my taking the BLACK WALNUT and OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT. He recommended VITAMIN C also. I also rinse my mouth with TEA TREE OIL and water. It all helps." Mary Ann
"I'm a licensed nurse and have been interested in herbs for about 4 years. We have 70-80 goats and I've found that the chemical products are too harsh and don't really solve any problems. I've been using herbal dewormers (wormwood, tarragon, thyme, and BLACK WALNUT) and have done parasite counts before and after treatment with both drugs and the herbs, and I'm much more satisfied with the herbal results." Julie
Heartworms Are Gone!
"My dog, Bandit, was diagnosed with heartworms last year after I took him for an appointment because he was coughing and seemed to be getting weak. The vet gave him 6 months to live. I didn't want to use the chemical and drug method, so I went home and contacted I decided to use an herbal program and now here we are a year later with a healthier dog and the heartworm test showing totally clear! They're gone! We are so happy." Robin Read her entire story.