The Herbs Place
Discontinued Product
Caprylimune is a Dr. Jack Ritchason formula designed to nutritionally support the immune system. This formula is yeast-free, sugar-free, wheat-free as most of Nature's Sunshine Products are.
Six tablets [suggested daily use] contain:
Caprylic Acid300 mg Vitamin A11,000 IU Vitamin C1,000 mg Vitamin E320 IU Calcium555 mg Phosphorus432 mg Biotin0.4 mg Pantothenic Acid370 mg Zinc40 mg Selenium0.4 mg
These primary ingredients are in an herbal supportive base of:
Pau d’arco bark Garlic bulb Golden seal root Yucca root Lemon grass herb Rose hips concentrate Hesperidin complex Citrus bioflavonoids
Caprylic Acid Combination is designed to nutritionally support the needs of those who want to maintain optimal balance in their friendly flora.
Candida/yeast overgrowth is now a common problem created by the excessive use of antibiotics, cortisone and birth control pills, plus a diet high in sugar and alcohol. Low stomach pH and the continual use of stomach acid blocking agents have also contributed to the problem.
Candida overgrowth most commonly occurs in mucous membranes of the gastro-intestinal tract and vagina, but any mucous membrane can be a target.
Caprylic acid is a fatty acid derived from coconut oil which has been found to exhibit antifungal properties. It has been specifically effective for gastro-intestinal Candida overgrowth.
Caprylic acid also produces energy after it has been metabolized and may be used in combination with other natural or prescription antifungals.
Caprylic acid is contraindicated with ulcerative colitis.
Recommended Usage
Take 2 tablets with a meal three times daily.