The Herbs Place
Carbo Grabbers
Carbo Grabbers
Discontinued Product
• Helps Reduce Conversion of Carbohydrates to Calories
• 100% Stimulant-Free Weight Loss Support
• Helps Prevent Weight Gain from Carbohydrate Intake
• Suppresses the Digestion of Fat
In recent years, science has revealed many destructive and serious implications of being overweight. That's why Nature's Sunshine has intensified its desire to develop weight-loss products to benefit virtually everyone who is overweight.
Now you can partially block the digestion of dietary starches (starches, pasta, breads, etc.) which are converted to calories. Carbo-Grabbers contains an amylase inhibitor derived from Phaseolus vulgaris, northern white kidney beans. It naturally and safely prevents the digestion of starchy carbohydrates and reduces the available calories your body may otherwise convert to fat.
Our bodies process carbohydrates with the help of the digestive enzyme alpha amylase. This enzyme turns the starch found in carbohydrates into glucose. Our bodies burn some of that glucose; the rest is stored as fat.
Carbo Grabbers helps prevent weight gain from carbohydrate (starch) intake by binding with alpha amylase, neutralizing starch calories and preventing starches from being changed into glucose and fat. Because carbohydrate breakdown is mostly blocked, undigested starches are carried into the intestinal tract where the body can eliminate them.
Human studies show that this partially purified white bean extract can effectively inhibit up 95% of intestinal amylase activity, thereby preventing dietary starch digestion and the corresponding after-meal rise in insulin concentration. In these studies, the amylase inhibitor also reduced after-meal increases in plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin.
Each 600 mg. capsule of Carbo Grabbers prevents absorption of 300 grams of dietary starch - or over 1350 calories. That's equal to more than one pound of pasta or one loaf of bread.
White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus vulgaris) 600 mg
Recommended Use
Take 1-2 capsules before a meal that is high in carbohydrates. Do not take in combination with any product containing protease enzymes. Carbo Grabbers can be combined with Fat Grabbers to maximize weight loss results.
Nature's Sunshine Advantage
Through the research of our team of scientists, Nature's Sunshine has been able to develop this new method of blocking carbohydrate digestion.
Carbo-Grabbers are 100% safe, made entirely of natural ingredients that block the digestion of starches and carry them into the intestinal tract where the body can eliminate them as Nature intended.