The Herbs Place
Fat Grabbers (120 capsules)
Fat Grabbers (120 capsules)
Discontinued Product
Wouldn't it be nice to eat a meal and know that some of the fat that comes from your favorite foods would not be absorbed by your body? Fat Grabbers is designed to help do just that. Psyllium and guar gum combine to bulk stool so that more fats and toxins are eliminated. While lecithin and chickweed work to dissolve fat into water soluble substances that will not deposit themselves in your body.
* Grabs Fat From the Food You Eat
* Decreases Fat Through Elimination
* Helps Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Fat Grabbers® is an ideal product for anyone wanting to help reduce the level of fat in their diet. No stimulants, no questionable ingredients - just wholesome, nutritional substances that won't disrupt normal body processes.
Research conducted in our laboratories has verified many other in vitro experiments performed at independent laboratories that lecithin and saponins emulsify fat in aqueous media. The logical extension of this observation to the small intestines is assumed through scientific precedent. The fat binding properties of fiber from guar gum and psyllium hulls interfere with the absorption of the emulsified fat from the small intestine. The bound fat molecules are then eliminated.
Using Fat Grabbers in conjunction with a sensible dietary plan will help you create an effective overall weight-management program. Fat Grabbers provide nutrients to help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range. The ingredients in Fat Grabbers all enjoy a long history of safe use. This product is gluten-free.
About the Ingredients
- comes from the plantain family. Its name comes from "psylla" meaning flea because its seed is said to resemble a flea. It has been used to treat diarrhea, constipation, gonorrhea, urethritis, hemorrhoids and urinary infections. Psyllium also may regulate blood sugar.
Psyllium husks are 10-30% mucilage. When this mucilage comes in contact with water, it swells and bulks the stool. This also absorbs toxins and lessens the amount of time that these toxins can be assimilated by the body. Clinical studies have shown that this action helps to reduce cholesterol levels and may be helpful to block fat absorption.
Guar Gum
Guar gum is the ground endosperm of Cyanopsis tetragonoloba, a plant from Pakistan. It is commonly used as a bulk laxative and appetite suppressant. This gum is very similar in character to the mucilage of psyllium. Clinically it has been shown to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.
- this unique natural fat is actually a fat emulsifier. In other words, lecithin is a substance that can change fat so that it is water soluble. It will seek out and destroy fat deposits wherever they are. Lecithin is a substance found in most plants and animals. Some common sources of lecithin are egg yolks and soy beans. Lecithin has been shown to lower cholesterol, prevent and reverse heart disease, treat memory loss, prevent morphine dependence and slow aging. It has been used to treat AIDS, gallstones, and hepatitis. One of the indications of lecithin deficiency is obesity.
- is an all too common weed in many lawns. It is a diuretic, refrigerant, and nutritive. Externally it is used for all types of surface wounds and irritations.
This herb contains sapponins that have the ability to dissolve fat deposits. It also tends to balance the metabolism by regulating the thyroid. These actions help lend credence to its use in cases of obesity.
Ingredients per Capsule
Proprietary Blend 522.5 mg
Guar Gum (Cyamopsis tetragonolobus)
Psyllium Hulls (Plantago ovata )
Chickweed Aerial Parts (Stellaria media ) - concentrated powdered extract
Other Ingredients: Silicon dioxide (powdered silica), kosher gelatin, and water.
Recommended Use
Take four capsules with a meal three times daily. Drink one glass (8 oz) of Nature's Spring water with the capsules, then follow with another glass of water.
Customer Comments
- "I used Fat Grabbers
for 10 days as directed and my cholesterol went from 216 to 194. For 5 days I ate regular meals with desserts and for 5 days I ate like I was dieting and I lost 3 lbs. and 3-1/2 Inches." V. Franks "I didn't change my usual diet, but I walked daily and used Fat Grabbers
and found that I'd lost 5 lbs. In 10 days." Wendi H. "I tried Fat Grabbers
for my weight loss program and ate sensibly. I took 4 capsules 1/2 hour before each meal and lost 8 lbs. and 81/2 Inches in 10 days!" V. Davis
Energy -
"I was looking for something to help with weight loss and I chose NATURE'S CHI
(I think I meant to get Fen Chi, but no matter!) and Fat Grabbers
. The Nature's Chi is wonderful. I have only been taking it for 3 days and I feel revitalized. I have had problems previously with my energy level and I have been concerned I wasn't getting all I could from life because I was constantly tired. When I got home from work, I would rest, drag myself to the kitchen to make dinner for my husband, eat, and then rest some more. These past few days have been a different story. I took my puppy on a long walk one day, I went grocery shopping, I began redecorating my bedroom. I am so pleased with the results." MJ
Gallbladder -
"I've had my gallbladder taken out and like to use Fat Grabbers
because it absorbs the fat in my stomach before giving me problems. It has also helped my bowels to move more regularly, so it's been a great help!" M.T.