The Herbs Place
Focus Attention Powder
Focus Attention Powder
Discontinued Product
Millions of people, children and adults alike, have overstimulated and undernourished brains. Mental undernourishment can affect the entire nervous system as the body tries to compensate for missing nutrients. Even normal tasks can become difficult.
Fortunately, Nature's Sunshine (NSP) has developed Focus Attention Powder to guard you from poor mental nutrition and its effects on attention and activity levels. This easy-to-prepare powder is perfect for children in need of mental nourishment.
• Supports normal brain stimulation levels
• Helps modulate brain activity and energy levels
• Promotes blood circulation and neurotransmitters in the brain
• Quenches damaging free radicals
How It Works
Focus Attention Powder is a special formulation of herbal nutrients that help sustain the body and provide key dietary compounds in a world full of toxic chemicals, food additives, pesticides, etc. Focus Attention Powder combines powerful nutrients that are required to maintain quiet, balanced mental activity. By supporting the body with a wide range of high quality nutrients, balanced function may be maintained. As an added benefit, other body systems reacting to mental stress are often relieved as the brain receives needed nutrients.
• Melissa officinalis has been approved by the German Commission E for its ability to soothe the nervous system.
• Ginkgo biloba is well known for its support of brain and circulatory health.
• DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a biodynamic nutrient used for memory and learning enhancement. It also quenches damaging free radicals.
• Bacopa is an Ayurvedic compound that stimulates memory.
• B complex vitamins are particularly important for the health of the nervous system.
• Grape seed extract is high in proanthocyanidins - highly active compounds that can readily neutralize brain-damaging free radicals caused by toxins or brain metabolism.
NSP (Nature's Sunshine Products) Advantage
NSP Focus Attention Powder helps soothe the brain nutritionally without the use of harsh chemicals and their accompanying side effects. It also provides the body with additional needed vitamins and nutrients, including folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin. This great-tasting, raspberry-flavored product is a hit with children.
Recommended Use
• Children age 3-6: Mix 1/4 teaspoon with 1 oz. water and take twice daily.
• Children 6-12: Mix 1/2 teaspoon with 1-1/2 oz. water and take twice daily.
• Ages 12-Adult: Mix 3/4 teaspoon with 2 oz. water and take twice daily with meals or as needed.
User Care
Pregnant or lactating women or anyone taking prescription medication should consult a health care professional prior to using this product.
Success Story: Boy Gets New Focus At School
"My 9-year-old, Jonathan, has ADHD. I tried giving him Ritalin, but he did nothing but cry all the time. Dexadrine produced the same result. During my frustration, my ex-mother-in-law sent me a bottle of Focus Attention Powder, stating that she had tried it on her granddaughter. I looked up some information on the internet and then decided to try it. I can't say enough how wonderful this product is. My son has gone from being almost out of control and making horrible grades, to the wonderful chile I knew he was. He has made A/B Honor Roll. Thank you." D. Toscano, Texas
"I would always go to parent-teacher conference with a knot in my stomach. My Bryan is a wonderful little boy but he always had a hard time staying focused. I started him on Focus Attention and he was the same fun-loving little boy he had always been. But at his mid-term evaluation, the first thing his teacher said at the parent-teacher conference was, 'What have you done to this kid? He is an entirely different student!' -Karrie B.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.